I know many of us feel the strong need to share with our loved ones or with people we care the new findings we encounter day to day. It happened to me when I opened my eyes and discovered the truth about the truth.
But even after I left I continued researching and studying other topics and of course as I had new discoveries I encountered that people were not very open to hear new information that went against what they believed.
At the beginning I thought they were close minded by not listening to opposing points of view. As I continued my research I realized that their decision to defend their beliefs was the result of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.
This phenomenom is experienced not only by members of a cult by almost all of us. It is a survival mechanism that allows us to go to bed and sleep at night without having to face our own set of beliefs.
JUSTIFICATION sets in and even facing evidence we are not able to face the facts, that is, until we realize what is happening here is a good video enjoy.