when i was studying years ago ,my sistertold me about an experiance she had at her church , the clairvoiant said to another lady present that she had a dead relative present , named them and said "they want you to know they now know the truth" the lady laughed and said "i doubt it she was a jehovahs witness ! " i wish i could go but im not sure if its wrong to go or not as there is someone i would like to know if they are ok , have any of you been to a church like that or is it all rubbish ?
has anyone had an experiance with a meduim /clairvoiant ?
by looloo 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes, 60 years ago in Edmonton, North London UK
I haven't stopped laughing since! It was all just so ridiculous.
Just a load of rubbish, only different rubbish from the JW's
Well I don't know about specific relatives/people being contacted, I haven't had experience with that. And like anything else, buyer beware. I have indeed seen a distinct difference in people who are clairvoyant/mediums, etc. etc. There are some that for sure are not as.....genuine as they may seem. However there are some people that have done readings on me, and others, in addition to people I've encountered that even without doing a "reading" are able to see things others don't. And several of the readings I've gotten have been very accurate.
As we all know being a dub closes A LOT of mental doors, put an ingrained fear of anything related to entities of any kind other than humans and YHWH's angels, it makes it very difficult to have an open mind to such things.
But when I finally got over that hump I must admit it really was quite eye opening. There is a lot that people are unware of, either because of fear, or assuming that everything is a scam. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty out there, but just like anything else once you get below the surface you see what's really going on. And there's a lot of valuable information out there...
there is someone i would like to know if they are ok
Please be more specific. Have you lost contact with the individual, or is the person deceased?
Just the tv show medium...............
its a baby that was miscarried in dreadful circumstances , the mother was abused and the abuser caused the miscarriage (a late miscarriage ) and the mother (a child) disposed of the evidence . it tormented me , i never found out for years , just need to know baby is ok or at peace or both , would be nice to know baby is with my grannys . dont want to explain my relationship to baby !
I'm very sorry to hear about this. IMHO, you would find a visit with a pastor to be more comforting. I hope you find some peace.
thanks leaving wt , i planted a tree in memory and grieved and got counselling and finally excepted but just need to know its ok .
There is a lot that people are unware of, the most important would be things about themselves and other fairly obvious things we just fail to consider. There are two things I would point out here: Your vulnerability and the fact that most people who do this do it for a living/profit.
This reminds me of an experience I had years ago at one of these "wholistic" fairs that had a psychic section along with everything and the kitchen sink. The times I've gone I typically just kind of walk through and don't particularly have much interest except to see what's out there, but this time this woman in the psychic section called me over. Actually, at first she asked a young girl, who must have been her apprentice or something to talk to me but she refused, which is kind of telling. Anyway, the gist of what she said was that I had a deep pain, and I can't remember whether she explicitly stated it has to do with romantic stuff but basically that's what ended up happening when I got home, and it felt very deep and seemed like it came out of nowhere. It's a vulnerability. Even though I'd been around the block and didn't really take her very seriously during this little free reading, it's clear something happened. I might add too that I was in a good mood and am aware enough of the way I carry myself that there wouldn't be any obvious cues that most people can read. I still didn't believe she's in a position to really help me (or even really have my interest at heart) as I tend to find these people don't address the deepest level of self, and since I'd already gotten to the point that I can ride out very strong bad feelings that's what I ended up doing. But like I said it was a lot more painful than there's any good reason for even if there's something deeper she didn't touch, and not everyone would have this perspective.
So basically I wouldn't just be concerned about wasting money on a fraud who doesn't do what they say they can do, but if they're able to make a living at it they must know how to do SOMETHING. I'm reminded of the idea of inception from the movie. And consider the basic relationship: You are seeking someone out who is supposed to be aware of something you are not aware of, this in itself puts you at a disadvantage and you have to trust or believe them. And again, they may be able to do something you're not aware of, just not necessarily what they say they are doing. And it may not be a matter of just "reading" anything, something may be done to you in some way.
My advice in a nutshell is that if you have any doubts at all anywhere about the integrity of someone who does anything like this, including teachers, ministers and so forth then you're better off dealing with things yourself than put yourself in the hands of someone questionable in anyway. And I don't mean to frame it in some fearful paranoid way, it is quite possible that the person doesn't really know what they're doing but do stumble on something real in the process. But in that case, it's basically just the blind leading the blind anyway.
Hello looloo, I would have to agree with feenX. People like to attach fearful labels to things that they do not fully understand. A lot of these clairvoiants/ mediums are using more then 10 % of their brain and are highly tapped into their intuition, being more connected to their sixth sense. Yes, as feenX mentioned, there are many scam artist out there. Test the waters to see what intuitively feels right to the core of you. Don't put two feet fully in and believe what ever a medium tells you. Also, do some research and educate yourself what each person can do. Some of them can only pick up on the past and present situation. Some of them are mediums and can pick up on the future and can also connect with the other side. It also all depends on wheather or not they can your energy is open for them to pick up on things!