TD, I don't know if we say it enough, but you freaking Rock !
January 1 WT - Garden of Eden - Most inane article in a while
by eric356 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
The naked lady and talking snake is literal... as long as the account in Gen. 2 about man being created before animals was also literal. Oh, wait, they say that part is figurative and not literal, but Gen. 1 about the animals created before man was literal, just like the earth literally has "four corners." Ooops, wait, how can anything be taken literally when so much surrounding material is glossed over as "symbolic".
Once upon a time...
a long time before TV, Monday Night Football, Internet and the lightbulb, folks spent their time studying the stars.
When the sun went down, the only available light was either the sun's reflection on the moon, the stars or a campfire. The dry, cloudless climate in the Middle East, minus city light pollution must have made for some spectacular evenings for stories and other tall tales based on positions of these mysterious lights in the sky.
The patterns in the sky were eventually personified into elaborate myths and took on a life of their own.
The Garden of Eden story is in the stars; the Zodiac. For a thorough explaination, look at this link:
It doesn't take great intelligence to see this biblical scam; only courage to accept it's reality.
Ha, Ha, Bohm!! Good one!!!
Jam, good points!!! I'll have to remember that, next time I run into a JW or a Creationist nut...
KashKrunched, that looks like an interesting link. I'll go click on it, right now...
Moshe; the jw's don't even ask jewish rabbi's if God's name is Jehovah. I always ask jw;s to come the local jewish temple with me and ask the rabbi's what God's name is? since the jews were gods people 5000 years before the christians or 7000 yrs before jw's came around. IT'S a slam dunk the jw's are dumbfounded can't speak hebrew and have no Idea were the word Jehovah came from or why jews don't say the name yehwah out loud.
JYD- good suggestion!--- and while the JW is talking to the Rabbi, he should ask him why Jews accept blood transfusions and Jewish hospitals see no religious conflict in giving them to save a life. Thanks for the suggestion.
Well, well, well, KashKrunched...
That looks very interesting... I'm going to add it to my "favorites"...
I knew that there was an odd coincidence between the Israelites' supposed sojourn in Egypt, and the fact that they 'suddenly' had "12" tribes after they left Egypt... And that most of the 'totem' animals of the "12" tribes of Israel bear a STRIKING resemblance to the Zodiac animals...
The fact that "10" of the supposed "12" tribes "disappeared" later on, after the Hebrews had attempted to clean out all so-called "pagan" influences from their nation and beliefs systems, is also VERY significant...