Much appreciated! Please PM me so I can send you my e-mail addy. Thanks!
Can someone e-mail me the 150 qualification for baptism questions?
by Joliette 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Can you find a PDF of "Organized to Do Jehovah's Will" online. Or perhaps someone can copy it and send it to your email. I can't access the CD at work though.
Okay, thanks!
Can you find a PDF of "Organized to Do Jehovah's Will" online. Or perhaps someone can copy it and send it to your email. I can't access the CD at work though.
That's not on the CD though, is it?
Good question, misery. Probably not being one of those secret books. I have a pdf at home but not here.
Make sure they are the same 150 questions Jesus asked..
Or the 150 questions John the Baptiser asked Jesus before dunking him.
Sent you a PM Joliette. Found a link online.
OR the 150 questions Philip asked the ethiopian eunuch before he got baptised.
OR the 150 questions Philip asked the ethiopian eunuch before he got baptised.
LOL, its amazing what 2000 years will do to a faith's requirements!