im luke warm and dont know what side im on, i dont mix well and i dont want to be worldly if u know what i mean,im a good person with morals and nowadays thers not many of us left., not were i live anyways,its so hard leaving it behind cos now i duno what to do with myself, and i dont want to go out and live it up or go on face book or go meet loads a worldly people and be like everyone else, and i dont wana celebrate pagan hols even thoe i might do xmas i still feel weird doing that.i dont feel right with myself one bit.
left and now lost
by serein 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Oh sheesh. Really, grow up.
Hi Serein. Adjusting to life outside the borg takes more time for some than for others.
Learning to stop judging and just accepting people for who they are is really important. People around you are not "worldly", its not "us and them" any more. Your neighbours and others you meet are just ordinary people trying to enjoy life and look after their families. Many of them actually have high standards and strong ethics but they may not see many of the things you were taught to worry about as important.
Perhaps you can meet new people through hobbies or interests you may have?
What cofty said.
Hi Serein - you're just suffering from cult withdrawal symptoms, it will pass.
It's way more loving to call people outside the WT ....well just people. The WT call people 'wordly' as a way to insult them, to show they do not belong to them.
Start living your life, make the effort to new make friends. There are a lot of good people outside the WT.
Here's to your new life....enjoy.
chicken little
Hej and welcome.
It will pass, you will recover and you will be amazed in time how many fantastic people you will meet. Join a charity like Red Cross or help the aged.
You will never believe how many exceptional people there are trying to help others. Your thinking has to slowly move away fromviewing people as worldly, they are not. Give yourself time to think outside of the box and get involved with people that will bring out your own personality, not the JW mask you have hidden behind.
All the best to you, it does get better.
You need to re-evaluate the JW term wordly people...
Just because someone is no longer a JW it doesnt mean they automatically are going to start smoking, heavily drinking, and engage in loose conduct. Its only the JW's themselves that would have you believe that. Just like you being no longer JW then your now classed as worldly, but I doubt you are about to run around causing a storm, living it up as though your living for today as tomorrow you will die (just as in the days of Noah !!!).
No doubt you will still live a clean cut life and that is great, but in all honesty this will mean that you are no different to the average worldly citizen.... Its only the minority of people who are stark raving bonkers, & its fair to say that there are plenty of raving lunatics in the JW's so its better that your actually further away from them than those in the real world. You probably need to get out to meet normal people who also want whats best for their families and simply enjoy the simple things like going bowling, the cinema or Pizzahut/meals. Nothing wrong with that, this would be what normal (worldly) people do....
Sure hope this helps you in your journey ..... :)
I grew up worldly, I started a study to learn more about the Bible, slowly but surely they tried to
separated me from family and friends by callin' them worldly like they were some kind of alien and
that I should limit contact with them. Anyway as a worldly I didn't smoke, drink excessively , do drugs, or try to
cheat or mistreat my fellow man. You have been indoctrinated to think that all worldy people are bad
use common sense when choosing your association. if you honestly believe that all worldly people have
no morals, then maybe it's best if you went back from where you came. Here's some suggestions on what you could
look into, get a hobby, job , volunteer, or go back to school. choose things and people that make a positive impact
in your life
Should have added in my last post ... Whats wrong with facebook ???
You add the nice people you know & dont bother with the ones that you dont! You all share pictures of fun things you have done & tell your friends a little about your day. Nothing much different to this forum so Im not sure what the difference is.... Im not saying get facebook, but to think about the ways you are isolating yourself. If you are a believer in God then he wants you to Love others as you would love yourself. This would mean that you would share your lovelyness with others & they themselves would do likewise.