Why do we call Jehovah by his first name and not our parents?

by life is to short 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I owe this question entirely to Hadit but I cannot get this thought out of my head. All I heard growing up was that we have to call God Jehovah because they are many God's, this way Jehovah knows we are trying to speak to him. That is just one of many reasons the FDS and WT say to why we much call him Jehovah. According to the Reasoning from the Scriptures book it says

    "Do you have a close relationship with anyone whose personal name you do not know? For people to whom God is nameless he is often merely an impersonal force, not a real person, not someone that they know and love and to whom they speak from the heart in prayer. If they do pray, their prayers are merely a ritual, a formalistic repetition of memorized expressions." "True Christians have a commission from Jesus Christ to make disciples of people of all nations. When teaching those different people, how would it be possible to identify the true God as different from the false gods of the nations? Only by using His personal name, as the Bible itself does."

    Now I got to thinking on what Hadit said about not calling our parents by their first name. When I hear a child call his parent by the first name I think it is rude or something is wrong with the family. Yet there are many dads and mom's daddies or mommies or papas and mama's out there. How would a parent know who their child was trying to address according to the reasoning of the FDS and WT unless the child used the parents first name. Like John daddy, or Mary mom, or Sam dad. It would be the same kind of reasoning.

    I was with one of my non JW's friends last weekend and she has a set of 6 year old twin boys. There were about 10 or 12 other little people there all the boys' age. They were all coming up at different times saying mom, mom, and I could not tell who was who but the moms' did. It is amazing that a mom can tell the voice of their child in a second. I think it is so cool not having had kids of my own but a mother's love is amazing. So if an imperfect mom knows the sound of her kid's voice over the voice of a dozen other kids might not Jehovah know our voice over everyone else if he truly did live us?

    And the thought that we cannot have a personal relationship unless we call God Jehovah. Just like with our parents they should never be our friend but our parent forever. But the relationship between a child and his father or mother is one of the tenderest and wonderful bonds two people can have even thought they are not "friends" if unlike with me you do not have abusive parents. But I have seen friends who have that bond with their parents and they never call their parents by their first name, they would not even think of it. It is just wrong to call your father or mother by their first name as it is not respectful. So why does the FDS say Jehovah demands it of us?

    Also that point in Matt that so many of us used in field service Matt 6: 9, 10. If the name Jehovah was so important why did not Jesus say "You must pray, then, this way. "Our Jehovah Father in heavens, let your name be sanctified? Instead of "Our father in heaven let your name be sanctified."


  • Scully

    Because my parents would have beat the crap out of me if I called them by their first names.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was just thinking that some of you will say well we should at least know what Gos's name is. Yes we need to know what our parents name is too. A ton of us use our mothers madden name for bank use and such but we still do not use their personal to address them.


  • OnTheWayOut

    "Jah-Hovah" "Mr. Hovah"

    Not trying to bring my disbelief into this, but both sides seem to have a problem.
    On the one side, the Old Testament clearly put a name in for God, that name being some form of YHWH.
    On the other side, the name fell into disuse from superstition and it really was never clear whether the son of God is part of, all of, no part of God.

    We have learned that the God of the O.T. is jealous of gods that don't even exist, using up three commandments on exclusivity. You would think He would want us to be clear on what to call him.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    I have always thought exactly the same thing.

    I didn't go to a KH until my forties, however, I never felt comfortable calling God by his first name, it always felt disrespectful. I was never one to call my parents by their first names, though I know there are a few children who do.

    They seemed to make such a big thing of calling him by his name and that no other religion even knew his name which just isn't true. I have been to two (not witness) funerals in the past year and Jehovah was mentioned in both.

    Also, I often meet people when I am out, do not have a clue about their name but would always treat them with respect the same as I would if I knew their name.

    Being a Christian can't simply be calling God by his name, attending as many meetings as possible and knocking on as many doors as possible. Many people would be capable of doing these things but it doesn't make them a Christian. It is how you live your whole life, how you treat and speak to and about other people etc. etc.

    A good point made by Life is Too Short.

  • Nickolas

    First, the Christian term "Jehovah" is a mistranslation of the unuttered spaces between the four letters above (thank you OTWO). Not to repeat the obvious ad nauseum, but the Jews called their god Yaweh. The moniker "Jehovah" isn't legitimate. Second, there is no surname anyway, unless you consider it to be "God". I suppose you could refer to him as Mr. God. Think about Jesus of Nazareth. He didn't have a surname, either. Then again, nobody in that part of the world at that time in history used surnames. Jesus of Nazareth was differentiated from all the other Jesuses by the place of his origin, although others might have been differentiated by the first names of their fathers - Jesus ben Jacob, for example.


    Why do we call Jehovah by his first name and not our parents?

    We? I don't call this god at all.

    I tried to put in him in a box next to my other gods but he could not be found; probably still drifting around the desert setting fire to bushes and showing off to Israelites.

  • serein

    I don't think we need to use gods name jehovah, as we pray through jesus anyways to get to him.

    I think god knows if we are praying to him or not.

    Why on earth would we want to pray to a false god when we know they are not real.

    Also, I think if we were praying to the devil we'd use his name or something and be doing something pagan while doing it.

    It's all so stupid, we don't even pronounce god's name right anyways. No one really knows how to say his name.

    If he did want us to say his name don't you think he'd have made sure it was wrote properly in the bible for us to use. Or made sure it wasn't changed/hid/removed/etc from the bible.

  • elderelite

    Along with OTWO I also question not just why we call him by his name and not our parents, but also why we call him by the WRONG name. its would be as if you fathers name was William and you called him bill.. not just overly framiler but disrespectfull. The NWT committe clearly talks about knowing that JEHOVAH is not the most proper form, but the one that was best known.

    I have no problem with calling him by name, but it should be respectfull and proper.

  • clarity

    Good Morning Lits,

    Great points. Isn't it funny how the watchtower society commands us to worship a name that even they admit ... is wrong. 'Jehovah' is a brand name, and they are getting as much 'mileage' out of it as they can. They have admitted that Yahweh is more correct, ... but I guess that didn't have such a punchy sound to it! Yahweh's Witnesses ...hmmm not so much.

    I guess Rutherford thought, if we don't have a god with a pronounceable name, how do we get people to follow us? I know I'll just...pick one! Trade Mark!

    All Gods children do know their Father and He knows them.


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