I'm glad the young man did get his wish. If he's happy, then we all should be happy with him...regardless of the religion.
click on the link for a few pics - Jackson must be eatin pretty good
by booby 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What?!! a jw child using this charity which is funded by donations from us evil worldly people? a charity? Suppose the wt would ever think of giving back to this charity? not likely. How would the elders react to someone taking the time to volunteer for Make A Wish or donate to it instead of the wt?
hats off to make a wish foundation for providing the means
http://www.wish.org/ helping children with life threatening conditions.
sounds like the little fella needed a bit of enriching.
David seemed a little apprehensive at first, we later found out that he was not doing well in the truth, he has not been attending all the meetings and is suffering from depression but the grandmother, Dolores was hoping that this visit would help him.
Dolores mentioned that he biological mother had agreed for little David to receive a blood transfusion and this was done. He asked his mother "Why are you doing this to me" she respond that she wanted to keep him alive he said "you are killing me by letting them put blood in me". He has given a good witness to all the medical staff.sick! what a guilt trip to lay on a child.
Sam Whiskey
While I understand your comparison of choices (Disneyland or Bethel) for the young man, the truth is, we really don't know what his options were. The only to way to really find out is to aks him directly. Anything other than this response is pure conjecture.
Again, I say, if he's happy with his choice, then we should all be happy for him.
nelly136 and Sam Whiskey = totally with you on the compassionate level. But and it is big but for me. First to nelly136, it was the grandfather that was not doing so well in the "truth". Surely if it meant the young david this would have not been his idea of a big adventure. And it is true Sam Whiskey we don't know the options. Again a but. I find it difficult that the choices are: #1 Bethel, #2 etc. and the reason I even posted this is the sickening cult aspect. The wish foundation is to be lauded, but what a shame that this young mans choice helps the society with what becomes a positive spin. They would no more encourage any support of that organization then they would any other "worldly" group. If they want to be such heroes when they were notified of this why did they not say that the whole premise does not fit their profile. You know; go ahead and help some other young child and WE will honour young davids wishes. Anyway for me it just reeks of adult manipulation of a young impressionable boy. And the society jumping on the bandwagon.