harder for people of color to get on gb than getting on kitchen staff?
by booby 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I hope the "people of color" is proper. If not it is just my ignorance of proper terminology. This picture is at bethel.
not sure what happened to the picture. will try again.
There are dozens of thousand of white r&f JWs world-wide who would love to serve in Bethell's kitchen! These niggas ain't appreciating the value of the gift bestowed upon them! Only the grand gift of toilet-cleaning is greater than this! Perhaps they should work more, be more humble, do more field service, donate more money and one they they will be worthy enough to deserve the toilet-brush. Thank you, Jay Hoover, for Bethel!
Its the Hamitic Curse.
This was not supposed to denigrate into racism and thoughtless name calling. I was just drawing attention to there only being one non=white tlhat I am aware of on the gb. However they seem to gladly except such for the lesser "jobs" at bethell.
I think the non-white GB member is there to prove a bet.
Just like the movie trading places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd
The black GB member is less qualified anyway. Jaracz was just a bleeding heart liberal who tried to be overly sensitive. Now that he's gone, hopefully the GB will reflect a more respectful conservative tone which may eliminate unnecessary black members and the so called need for color in the first place.
Glad you cleared that up for us Booby, sheesh!
Most on here are decent, honest, loyal, conscientious and and strive to be unbiased. But we are judged and tarred & feathered by the stinking 'apostate label'. I hate it.
All white skinned GB members except for One. Quite a contrast to the Kitchen members! Imagine what it is like to be judged just because your skin is darker!
I'd hate that even more!
Well guys, you have to realize what the April 1, 1908 WT said about this.
1. The negro and Latin races will probably always be inclined to superstition." {Zions Watchtower Apr 1 1908 page 99}