Does anyone know the requirements that should be met for someone to have this privilege? I have been added to the list and don't feel I meet the requirements.
Requirements for Watch Tower Reader
by garlic81 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You have to be a brother in good standing. That means you have average or above average field service (about 9 hours/month) and you are regular at the meetings as well as a regular commenter.
If you don't feel this site is directly ran by Satan the Devil then you don't meet the requirements
average service is 3-6 hours
never comment
only go to about 3/4 of the meetings
They must need readers. That happens all the time.
It's not a privilege. It's a pain in the ass. I suggest you stop commenting at all meetings and reduce your field circus activity. This might get you off the list.
Hope this helps.
We have over 10 elders in our hall and several m.s. Also several more "exempelry" brothers are being used that aren't MS or elder. I don't know how I would've got selected...
Also, being put in the "Watchtower reading" pool means they have their eye on you for "grooming" to be a MS eventually. It could be their way of asking you to "reach out."
You also have to be a halfway decent reader. Depending on the Hall, some elder bodies won't allow foreign brothers read even if their broken english is pretty decent. Funny as ever when you sit in an elder meeting watching grown men argue whether or not a brother's broken english is acceptable for the meeting. Sometimes the arguing parties on the elder body come to an agreement, and let the foreign brother read at the Congregation Bible Study, but won't allow him to read at the "public" WT study. I'm thinking to myself, how is it that he can't read at the "public" WT study, when there's never anybody from the "public" there anyway? The WT study and public talk audience is still 99.9% the publishers from the congregation.
Primary qualification: A penis.
All other requirements are negotiable and vary from congregation to congregation.