How many of you have been to the beach with one of the anointed and the son of one of the anointed (different annointed)?
at the beach with the anointed
by joelingeorgia 6 Replies latest jw friends
No one has, as no one is anointed.
Did you all partake of the same meal?
darth frosty
I was at the beech at coney island and I was told that knorr used to like to go to that beech so using there definition of generation overlap (and applying a day for a year) yes I was at the beech with an anointed and the son of another anointed...along with gene simmons from KISS.
i worked by knorr's wife at Watchtower Farm. she was a nice lady. she collected odd names. i worked on one of the graphotype machines in subscriptions so i would let her know whenever I found one. Favorites were Pearl Ring, Fernando Foo and others.
I would think the oil would bake you to a golden crisp..
Why the beach? Is something anointy supposed to take place there?