Are you suspicious of LURKERS?

by VampireDCLXV 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • VampireDCLXV

    We all know they're here but we don't really know who they are.

    They are people who sign up here and then never comment (or rarely ever do).

    Doesn't that make any of you regulars here at the very least a tiny bit suspicious?

    Why would a person sign up to a forum like this and then NEVER say a damn thing? Okay, sure, that's everyone's right; but, come one, really?
    It seems to ME that there is a primary reason why some folks sign up and then never comment on anything: TO SPY. I really have to wonder what other reasons there could be. It makes me deeply suspicious.
    I do understand that there are folks who are shy, folks who are too busy with real life, folks who hastily signed on then found out this isn't the kind of website they thought it was, folks who have moved on with their lives, etc. BUT we've seen proof here that there are people here who are here to spy, to try to find out people's identities here and rat them out, bethelites spying on behalf of mother and the copyright nazis, and so forth. I find this rather unsettiling at times.

    I find it galling that this forum gets really slow, so much as of late. It would be nice to see more folks participating more often. Am I so wrong in this?

    Regulars: Do you think that lurkers are something to worry about? Are you suspicious of them?

    Lurkers: Why do YOU hang around here and then never say anything? Why bother signing on in the first place? I especially direct this question at people who have been here a while and have only made as many posts here as you can count on one hand. I dare you to say something.

    Just wondering...


  • minimus

    Lurkers should be able to read what's on here if they want. And if they don't want to contribute, it's their right.

  • Scully

    Yeah, what minimus said. After all, he lurked for 5 million posts before he started contributing.

    Seriously, though, the lurkers are the ones upon whom we can make the biggest impact. I'm thinking of an iceberg analogy - where the largest portion of it is submerged in water, but has the potential to do the greatest damage to the Mother Ship.

  • james_woods
    Lurkers should be able to read what's on here if they want. And if they don't want to contribute, it's their right.

    Correct. We have had some trolls here who desperately needed to learn the fine art of lurking quietly.

  • VampireDCLXV

    The question is then WHY SIGN ON? You can read almost everything here without having to do that... Just sayin...


  • brotherdan

    I respect lurkers for the most part. We all were told that sites like these were from the Devil. So they are understandably nervous and scared. But I think that some people, interested in the detail about "the truth", may lurk for a while and then eventually become regular posters.

  • AwSnap

  • Ding

    I won't argue with your thoughts that some lurkers are spies.

    Maybe they suspect a family member or congregation member are active on this site are are hoping to out them.

    However, many other lurkers may be motivated by fear that THEY will be outed if they post here.

    It may also be that some are reluctant to post because they don't want to invite the arguing or sarcasm that may be posted in response.

    If the latter is the case, I would suggest that lurkers read various posts, decide who they feel most comfortable communicating with, and send them a PM.

    For those who don't know how to do that, click on the username of the person you want to PM and you'll be transferred to a page where you can send them a message.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Ah but how often does that happen, BD? I think there are even more ppl who sign on and then never EVER post...


  • Soldier77

    Vamp, no offense bud, but you sound a bit paranoid. Yeah, it is a bit agitating that POSSIBLY some lurker could 'out' me. But whatever, I got bigger fish to fry than watching my back for a quak job cult member.

    Maybe they're the lurker type that really is sick of being in the cult, wants out, but is staying in for their own reasons. Maybe they feel that by participating that would be the crucifying factor if questioned by an elder if they were looking at apostate sites? Who knows?


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