by cyberjesus 12 Replies latest jw experiences
let's not!
Many here are still enjoying the privilege of going to field service. Can you imagine knowing the truth and having to preach the lies? So lets give them a hand and create our version of the reasoning book.
Lets provide them with introductions that make the people at home realize how wacko the JWs, that makes the brother going with you think, that doesnt get you in trouble for apostasy and that gives you a sense of fullfilment.... so lets start, here is mine:
1- Good Morning, I am brother Morales and my friend here is my brother, and are visiting you to warn you that according to the Bible Armageddon, (the destruction of people who dont follow what JEHOVAH God says) is very very near. WE dont want you see you and your family destroyed, thats why due to JEHOVAH GOD's love we came here to invite you to study the BIBLE with us. YOU DO believe in the bible dont you?
Coffee House Girl
I was with you on that until the end of your presentation- "we came here to invite you to study a bunch of books about some men's interpretation of what the bible says about your distruction. Oh and by the way, our publications are free of charge but we need you to contribute to the printing of more of this crap."
I just dropped it cold turkey. I couldn't play games like that. Good on ya if you have the intestinal fortitude...
Coffee HG: the thing is that would give you away. Remember we want them to keep the undercover stage.
VAMP: This is not for us dude but for the ones who still have to go.
If the householder says.....
"I'm not Interested!"
You could say,
"neither am I, how do you fancy a beer? I'll buy! I'm about to be shunned by all my Friends and family and need to make to create a new social circle. Our mutual non-interest in this bullshit cult, could be the start of a great frienship."
For me, it wasn't for lack of trying. It was just that I couldn't bear it. It drove me to the brink of insanity. I crashed. Just me though...
As for others who are still "stuck": do what you gotta do but don't stay too long. You could end up in a rubber room somewhere.
Peace, CJ....
Good Morning My Partner and came to visit you this morning to tell you that Yahweh the God of the Israelites wants you to live in a paradise. He sent his Son Jaheshua Misraha (or whatever) to earth to be killed in sacrifice by the same people the israelites so you can live on the paradise and you can play with Lions and Snakes and not have to worry about taxes.
My partner here is gonna explain to you what to do next :
I never lied about my FS hours. I stopped going door to door around 9 years ago, and have not shared in any aspect of fs for the past 5 years. No one has contacted me from the hall about it. I am ignored by the cong. I am not df or DA- just stopped going period. Not one jw asked why or tried to get me to come back. I never made up any fake fs reports and am surprised so many on this forum did.