Sorry about your Dad Happy EX JW.
My Father in law passed away quite suddenly at the end of 2006. I, being DF's and going through a divorce from his daughter, was banned from the hospital when I would have really like to have seen him. I was always close to him. Even though he had been an elder almost all his life....he never took the whole thing too seriously, being a JW that is.
I was also asked not to attend his an over zealous brother-in-law....who I basically told to F**k O**.
This same bro in law came up to me at the funeral and almost shock my hand off with a big stupid looking grin on his face.
Very sad what we all seem to have been through at a very solemn time like that.
My parents who are in their 80's are next i'm afraid and I really dread the procedures that will have to be endured at their funerals.
What saddens me the most is that they had all expected to be young again, living in paradise that the shit eating Governing body has been promising them for years and years.
The cult sucks!
Sorry you had to go thru that again