My Dad's passing

by happyexjw 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    MY condolences

    My HOPE is that all of this wakes your mother up and she begins a road to freedom. There are many wonderful people who are Witnesses. They just need to find a way out. It sounds like the last few days with your parents you saw the real persons they are. As much as possible keep your mother in that real person mode

  • PSacramento

    I am sorry for your loss.

    Our loved ones live forever in our memories and their love for us will always be there.

    Never forget the good times, never forget the moments of Love and tenderness.

    Love, never forget the love and keep it always.

    May Our Lord give you strength to deal with these difficult times.

  • flipper

    HAPPYEXJW- Wow, just wow. My wife & I send our deepest condolences & sympathy to you dear friend. I felt so horrible for you reading this experience in how you were treated. You showed a lot of strength & maturity in supporting your mother in spite of being verbally attacked by your aunt & uncle. These witness people are robots - they've been de-programmed to LOSE ANY natural human emotion or feeling and replace it by cult controlled emotions. I can only imagine what a challenge this was to you dealing with their boorish behavior while in the midst of mourning the loss of your dear father. I don't think I could have shown the restraint you did- I would have ripped their F-ing heads off. Hang in there dear one. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What Flipper said. Right on. Hugs to you and your family.

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    So sorry to hear of your loss.

    Sorry also for the inhumanity of those close to you, they are lacking something deep down, empathy.

    Hope you can rise above all of the meaness and concentrate on your mum and siblings, your love will do more good than anything else.

    Love Chicken little

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    My sincere condolences, Happyexjw, losing a parent is having a part of one's childhood gone for ever.

  • hirotaka

    Sorry about your Dad Happy EX JW.

    My Father in law passed away quite suddenly at the end of 2006. I, being DF's and going through a divorce from his daughter, was banned from the hospital when I would have really like to have seen him. I was always close to him. Even though he had been an elder almost all his life....he never took the whole thing too seriously, being a JW that is.

    I was also asked not to attend his an over zealous brother-in-law....who I basically told to F**k O**.

    This same bro in law came up to me at the funeral and almost shock my hand off with a big stupid looking grin on his face.

    Very sad what we all seem to have been through at a very solemn time like that.

    My parents who are in their 80's are next i'm afraid and I really dread the procedures that will have to be endured at their funerals.

    What saddens me the most is that they had all expected to be young again, living in paradise that the shit eating Governing body has been promising them for years and years.

    The cult sucks!

    Sorry you had to go thru that again


  • happyexjw

    Thank you all for your words of comfort. Flipper I was that close to giving her a piece of my mind but then realised that that is probably what she was wanted to turn it around on me show my mum how wicked and wordly I was....and that is what stopped me. I was not going to stoop to her level of thinking, like i said earlier she mader herself look the wicked one all by herself and my mum has seen the lack of love and empathy auntie is the one who has planted a little seed in my mums thoughts.

    My brother was told by a JW, "this should now make you want to come back to the religion" my bro said "no way", she said "well dont you think you owe it to your dad". GUILT trip!!! Also my cousin who I have not seen in years but came around to my parents the night my dad passed, sent a card with a messgae to me and my bro & Sis saying that it was lovely to see us and she would like it to be forever, but its up to us, we left them not them leaving us, We need to find inner peace and that can only happen when we come back to the borg. WTF....if they were so concerned about us why leave if years and until my dad passes for them to tell me how they miss me. Unbelieveable, if they just could realise what they are saying....what makes me proud though is how far I have progressed with my thinking and the way I see life today with a lot of credit to this site. This site has been a great support to me with my awakening, even though I was D'fd years ago, my mind was still in it untill about 2 years ago when I started to question things. So I would like to thank JW net and all the members for their contributions to threads.

    I would like some advice when it comes to the funeral, I am sure I will get a few people say to me about coming back or not seeing my dad again in paradise blah blah blah. I would like to give them a response thats not nasty but will make them think, a response thats a converstion stopper, then smile sweetly and walk away.

    Any ideas?????


  • yesidid

    So sorry to read of your pain.

    Your dad would be so proud he had such a classy daughter.



  • Roski

    I am experiencing a similar situation. It is ongoing (have now involved relevant government authority for investigation) so I will not reveal too much information at this point.

    Even though I have not associated for a number of years I have always remained on good terms with my family (although they are disappointed at my choice to not associate) and any other JW's I interact with - not DF/DA'd. Things have now changed drastically and it is all due to money - my mother's.

    While having read lots of information on this site over the years relating to unethical behaviour by elders, what I have experienced during the last few months has left me reeling. I would never have thought they could be so blatant in their attempt to secure the funds they feel they are entitled to - and I'm not easily shocked nor prone to exaggeration:-)

    I have also seen first hand how all encompassing mind control is.

    When I first contacted the relevant authority and outlined the situation, the government officer asked me which church this involved...when I said JW's she said "that would have been my first guess". I'm not sure how effective the government department will be (although they said there are red flags all over this), but after this has been dealt with I will post the story as I believe it may be a growing trend - as old loyal JW's pass away their assets will become easy pickings.

    **JWfacts - as you mentioned that you will soon face a situation similar to the OP you may be interested in this situation as it involves people you would be familiar with.

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