Name a 'Bad Elder, CC, DO.' !!!

by Mr Bean 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • AMarie

    Gozz mentioned that I can edit my post and remove the names. Can anybody tell me how to do this please.


  • ashitaka

    edit above the right hand corner of the post, if you put your mouse arrow on it, it'll tell you what the function of the icon is....


  • nytelecom1

    review your bible scripture metatron..just like an misapplication..

    and hell yeah i am glad i am not like you antis...
    so god damn miserable and angry

    cheer up people...the great battle of God the
    Almighty is one day closer....and it will bring
    an end to all wickedness and hatr.........wait..ooops..
    forgot who I was talking too.......nevermind

  • AMarie

    Thanks Ashi. I made the post a little more vague. If you guys think this is still too offensive, let me know.


  • ashitaka

    I didn't want to bust your chops, AMarie, just wanted to warn you guys a little. It wasn't offensive, just didn't want some lurker Dub find it offensive and have some elder come suing people half-cocked.


  • AMarie

    It's all cool, Ashi. I understand your motives totally. I guess I should have been a little more thoughtful of the consequences of posting such information.


  • ianao


    I can just see you walking up God and saying 'Wassup Dawg!?' right before he snaps his fingers and you disappear.

  • ashitaka


  • Utopiano Reformato
    Utopiano Reformato

    Hey Ashitaka:

    Since you and I "stomped" around in the same area a few years ago, I will not only agree with you, but take your advice one step further.

    It's true, you need to exercise caution with some forum members as well. For example, one of the "tactics" I don't approve of is the collecting of personal information about members who post here in confidence. There are a million reasons why a person may need privacy/confidence to post here and no one has any right to judge the validity of another's personal concerns.

    However, certain members here who possess personal information, or have access to those who possess it, have the potential to use it in a harmful way. Now, the question is when and how and why would a member use another's personal information and expose/reveal identities to the public, or to the WTBS. I say the desire and need for revenge, control and manipulation are behind these tactics. Egos can be just as large outside the WTBS as they are inside.

    It makes certain ones behave just like the WTBS gestapo, when threatened, angry or jealous. Most humans problems result from misunderstandings and lack of communication. I hope members will choose resolution and cooperation rather than cloak and dagger antics when encountering personality conflicts, difficulties or differences of opinion.

    The important thing I have always said is to always have a "back-door". Keep an "ace" up your sleeve and keep an eye on everyone.

    Remember, the WTBS service committee would not hesitate one micro second in accepting "information" from so-called critics and apostates about certain "sheep" who have strayed onto the internet and are rebellious. Especially, if there are doubts and suspicions lingering. It's a shame, but that is life with human beings.

    Trust is a very expensive luxury, and the type of credit that is difficult to obtain. Once it's compromised, it is even more difficult to settle.

  • nytelecom1
    can just see you walking up God and saying 'Wassup Dawg!?

    There a two issues with your statement.....the first
    is the idea of me "walking up to God" ...i will let you
    reasearch the Bible and figure it out for yourself..the other...
    never let any human speak to Jehovah in such a way..
    One would never say that to a national leader......
    We should thus address the almighty with the proper attitude.

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