Last night during the Bible highlights, the brother (an insane and extreme zealot of an elder) said that people cannot expect Jehovah to communicate with his servants directly anymore. Not because it wasn't part of his plan, nor because he has the All Powerful and all Knowing Governing Body in place, but because we really just aren't that important. Not important enough to warrant one one one communication. Yikes. Of course, everyone in the congregation sits there like: "Yes. Yes, it's true."
Then it hit me. These are people who are excited about the potential of spending all of eternity enslaved to a God who finds them individually unimportant and only useful for carrying out his physical labor. If you're doing anything other than singing praises to him or trying to find other converts, then you are a complete waste of skin and should be put down.
What ... the ... hell.
And this is a good thing? At least Satan throws you a bone.
It was about this time during the meeting when I started thinking ... I wonder if there is anyone else in this building like me right now ... Someone else who is married to someone who has been conned by the Watchtower but doesn't want the tremendous emotional train wreck that would follow if they left the "Truth".
I wonder.