Jehovah's Witnesses: Beneath the Tower of Fear (Video)

by leavingwt 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Via Free Minds. . .

    "Watch this compilation of Watchtower images and comments by Circuit Overseer Charles Sunutko to see how the Watchtower organization controls its followers through the "fear" of Armageddon. They say that if you are not in the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses you will die a horrible death at the hands of a very angry Jehovah at Armageddon."

  • Joshinaz

    This is why Jehovah's Witnesses are no better than any other religion. There's lots of religions who also think that their's is the golden ticket into God's Kingdom. Mormons believe you have to be a Mormon. Catholics believe you have to be a Catholic. Jehovah's Witnesses believe you have to be a Jehovah's Witness ect., ect. They are all the same in a way that they use this Crime and Punishment psycology on us. (ie.) If we are not (enter your religion here) god will destroy us.

    Thanks for the video LWT!

  • Magwitch

    Thanks leavingwt!

    I guess when Armagedden starts it will be too late for me, my kids and cats. I suppose we should keep enjoying life now since our imminent destruction is just around the corner.

  • flipper

    The ultimate use of fear and terror is what the WT society has ALWAYS used to promote the allegiance of JW's to it's cause. It's really immoral to be frank. Pound them with negative thoughts and fear - they'll never WANT to leave for fear they'll die - allegedly. Thanks for posting that LWT , it's good to expose their methods constantly

  • leavingwt

    Why don't JWs show householders the images of death an destruction in the door-to-door work? The same reason they don't tell the householders about Shunning and No Blood.

    The recruitment process is greased with Love Bombing and other group dynamics.

    An outsider, examining the facts/dogma in black and white, would reject it out of hand.

  • Heaven

    This is great example of why the WTS have told the JWs NOT to record any talks. It makes them look soooo bad!

  • leavingwt

    This is great example of why the WTS have told the JWs NOT to record any talks. It makes them look soooo bad!

    It's harder for them to "run away" from their older publications.

    Speaking of which, we really need a website called, "Watchtower Publications Hall of Shame" with photos of their Greatest Hits.

  • factfinder

    So Armageddon is coming in 1975? We better make sure we are all getting ready. Get back to the meetings everyone, back" inside" so we will be safe when Jehovah's great day of wrath comes in 1975! Don't delay. The time is almost here!

  • jehovahsheep

    ct russell was different in teaching those who ignore their message now will be given another chance in the new world.

  • smiddy

    This is" truly hypocritical"I became a witness in the early 60`s and the big issue then was the catholic church preyed on the ignorance of it`s members with the threat of eternal damnation of hellfire.Of course the witnesses have always had a special hatred of the roman catholic church from their inception,Their are far more articles against the rc church than any protestant religion,including the mormons s d adventists or any other religion ,but the fear tactics is the same.What hypocrites


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