April video online, "endurance"

by bohm 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    I think I need to take a leak ...

    Thank you Jehovah for helping me take care of my leak!

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    "ugh. near the end we are told the governing body loooves all of us."

    Not so... they hate us... they only love those who endure by not visiting sites like this one.

  • stuckinarut2

    I seriously can't bring myself to watch this one....

    There are so many other things I could do with an hour of life....

  • leaving_quietly
    Was there any special announcement during this video? I overheard some JWs saying there's a special "gift" in the April video. No clue what they meant by that.
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    My wife rolled her eyes and waked away: " Stop showing me that crap! I can't take it!"

    My wife rolled her eyes and waked away: " Stop showing me that crap! I can't take it!".....BOC

    ........................Image result for now thats funny

  • Finkelstein

    Yes keep on with endruence for the longer you stay in are organization which gives us a life of so much power, privilege and prominence over people, the more we can brainwash, manipulate and exploit you for free volunteer labor and money.

    Remember when your serving are publishing house, your serving Jehovah and appeasing him, so one day you'll approved by him to live in a earthly paradise that is soon to come.

    If you don't, you will unfortunately be killed by him and not live in a earthly Paradise.

  • sparrowdown
    @leaving quietly - "special gift in the April video" the GB will be releasing a nude calender ?
  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, the "special gift" was the outstanding joy we all had to view and listen to more instructions from the most holy "GIFTS IN MEN" that is the GB themselves!

    Yes, they condescended to allow us, mere mortals to watch their broadcast!

  • BluesBrother

    I was struck by the following, dramatised , video.. A husband stops attending. He claims "burn out". What reignites his enthusiasm ?

    His wife shows "the quiet and mild spirit" of a submissive wife. She listens to him and assures him of her love. After a while, he comes back.

    Would that have worked on you? Not if you know TTATT, it wouldn't

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