It's always been do as I say, not as I do. I remember when the Patterson facilities were announced, we were all saying it wouldn't get finished before the big A, here we are and Patterson had been around how long?
They keep pushing and pushing for the rank and file to do more and more. Dec 15 WT
by life is to short 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
WHO exactly was saying Patterson wouldn't be finished before the Big A? The GB?
If that's the case, the organization is embarking on projects they know probably won't be finished. Which implies they're building them "just in case", right?
So there should be nothing wrong with the R&F getting an education and a decent job so they can start saving "just in case", right?
Crisis of Conscience
caliber This great increase of knowledge and the tremendous running to and fro of the people in various parts of the earth without question is a fulfillment of the prophecy testifying as to 'the time of the end'. These physical facts cannot be disputed and are sufficient to convince any reasonable mind that we have been in 'the time of the end' since 1799." (The Harp of God, p.234)
Let's see how long it's been "the time of the end." Currently the year 2010 minus "the time of the end" since 1799 = 211 years!!!!!
SHEESH!! Even Noah didn't have to wait that long for the worldwide flood!! It has certainly got to be "around the corner" TM !!
exwhyzee: "The preaching work in Bible times was considered "Urgent" but spreading it door to door was the only way they could do it. Why is it still being done this way?"
Door to door "knocking" is a take off on the ritual of the secret society "tapping". That's why it must be done that way.
When secret societies choose candidates to initiate to become possible members, which is exactly what you all are doing, they come up from behind them (no advance warning---same as JWs---just bulldoze in) and they "tap" the person on the back of the shoulder. Then they extend the invitation.
The "knocking" is all part of the secret society code of rituals.
First, I will point to a glaring omission in the original Washtowel article. "There is plenty of evidence, both historical and Scriptural, to prove it." Where is it? Can I go online to the historical sources, and read the originals in their original context without bias from a Washtowel article? Where are the documents that prove it?
And yes, they do have a perennial "emergency". If I am late for an appointment, it is urgent--but, after the appointment, the urgency is gone. If I need something handled immediately, it is urgent--again, once it is finished, the urgency is gone. This has been going on since 1872, and the "emergency" is still ongoing. People's whole lives are wasted on this "emergency". Sacrifices are made that prevent people from enjoying any segment of their lives. They pio-sneer or go to Beth Hell, and end up destitute and stagnant when they get older. Many pay for it with their health--high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are killing many witlesses in their 40s through early 60s. They die without anything to show for it.
The depression is created from the fear and guilt that they impose. They are afraid of dying if they don't do all they can (and then some). They remember going in 15 minutes early one time to tend to a household emergency (perhaps fixing something), so they didn't save that last two or three lives. That is "harvest" that is now going to waste, because they went and tended to some "stupid repair". Or, they want to work at a reasonable and prudent pace--meaning supporting themselves. They realize that it could be another 20 or more years, and want to be able to support themselves while furthering the work in the long run. Again, the guilt and shame for "wasting time working for comfort, when you could have been gathering more of the harvest".
And, just wait until they realize what they really accomplish. All that stress, all that "emergency", and they end up working the same streets. You go on a section of territory, work it, take down the not at homes, and work those not at homes to death. What next? The territory goes back, but the not at homes are destroyed. Those calls you get are usually but not always logged in so the next person to get the territory (as fresh territory) doesn't get them. However, usually those people end up not being interested or will simply bumble along. When they are cut off, they go right back into the pile! Nothing is accomplished. They created no beauty, no value, no wealth, no health, no nothing. This goes on 40, 50, or 60 years--and they keep pushing for more. It is an EMERGENCY to go out for the 1,000,001st time on the same street. And, if you don't, you are murdering those people.
This religion generates fear, despondency, shame, and guilt. As such, I see no value in the religion--society would be better off without them.
I live in A large city in Calif. In the 60,s and 70,s we could cover our territory in A week
Since I have retired for the last 7years ,I am home when my area is work by the JW,s.
I can tell you, it is not very often. In the 60,s-70,s you would have three or four cars
in one block. Ten or more in A single block. Today you might see two or three old ladies.
One thing I have notice, because of the diversity here in CA. I think this work in favor
of some of the JW,s. My neighbors are White, Asian, latino, and me black. I have watch
the black and white JW walk pass my home. They will walk pass my white neighbor, my Asian neighbor and maybe stop at one or two houses in my block. I was told since the territory have Latinos
that do not speak english we turn those home over to the Spanish cong. Now the
Spanish Cong. see I am black and never come back same with my neighbors. It,s funny because all my neighbors
speak English. .But the point I was making Is I do not see JW,s in the service as often
as I use too. I have heard people remark what happen to the JW,s they don,t come
around like they use too. Maybe the end came.
I thought the preaching prophecy has been fulfilled - didn't they tell us that 15 years ago?
*** w95 9/1 pp. 17-18 par. 17 Christian Witnesses for Divine Sovereignty ***Looking forward especially to our time, Jesus said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Indeed, it has.
And are they sure the last days started in 1914?
Creation (1927) p.293"Napoleon began this Egyptian campaign in 1798, finished it, and then returned to France on October 1, 1799. The campaign is briefly, yet graphically described in the prophecy, verses 40-44; and its being completed in 1799 marks, according to the prophet's own words, the beginning of "the time of the end....Twelve hundred and sixty years from 539 A.D. brings us to 1799, which is another proof that 1799 definitely marks the beginning of "the time of the end." This also shows that it is from the date 539 A.D. that the other prophetic days of Daniel must be counted."
. -
arghhhhhh !!!!!!
This is another guilt trip for all.
They keep pushing but "the flock" aint listening.
Look - we all know how this will play out in most congregations. Those who aren't away for a weekend break or "ill" (ie bit of a headache / couldn't be bothered getting out of bed etc) and turn up for the meeting will parrott the usual answers about how urgent the work is and we should all be doing more , following the lead from the Governing Body. A couple of self righteous pioneers will comment about how rewarding the full time ministry is. Blah blah.
The meeting ends & then there is a mass exodus at the end. 95% of JWs go away to the shops , to home to watch the grand prix or film or to the beach (for you folks in warmer climates). There will be a handful of JWs at the end eating their sandwiches and a hapless elder or ms whose once every 12 weeks turn it is to take the arrangment much to the chagrin of his wife & kids. He dishes out a few scrawled up sheets of not-homes to the few who actually want any first call. The rest are "doing calls" , including Brother wannabe ms who hasn't been out for a while & needs to show that he actually does some ministry. The elder then jumps in the car to go home & put the feet up for the rest of the day after (maybe) doing a token couple of magazine calls on the way home.
"The preaching work in Bible times was considered "Urgent" but spreading it door to door was the only way they could do it."
Actually there wasn't really very much organised door to door work at all , certainly none in accordance with the JW model- the WTBTS deliberately mistranslates Acts 20:20. Jesus expressly told his followers not to be transferring house to house. Writers of complete books of the Greek scriptures such as James somehow managed not to mention any need to preach door to door. Back then people went to synagogues or met in small homes and by their conduct and example and by speaking to friends & neighbours promoted their faith. A lesson many JWs could learn from today.
jam, I saw the same, in the 60s we were literally on steriods calling on people, even the Mormons had the sense to visit every 6 months. Even though there are 7.5 million Witnesses now the door to door work takes a toll on the JWs and they spend their time with return visits or the Donut Shop, Starbucks if they can afford it