Alternative Cancer Treatments-help

by Tatiana 18 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Tatiana

    If anyone has any first-hand knowledge of this type of therapy, or has an opinion on an alternative to chemo, could you please let me know? It's very important. I have a friend who has cervical cancer. She's only 25. The chemo is not working. I've heard of Ozone Therapy, but wanted to ask if anyone here has ever used it, or had a friend or relative use it, and if it worked. If not, then what would your opinion be on trying it?

    Here are the links...

    Thank you....

    I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. (William Blake, A Poison Tree)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I need to preface this by stating that I am not endorsing this treatment, and I have no experience with it, but you asked for information, and expressed a sense of urgency...

    Have you heard of Essiac Tea? It's an herbal compound, and you can read about it here:

    A web search will provide many more hits.

    I wish the best for your friend, and for you.

    Your mention of ozone made me think of hydrogen peroxide infusions - both have the effect of getting more oxygen to the tissues of the body. Hydrogen Peroxide, by the way, is produced naturally by the body and is one of the body's primary methods of killing invading organisms.

  • Tatiana

    Thanks, Nathan. I read it and will give the info to her.

    I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me their opinion on the links I provided. My friend may not have much time. It's deadly serious. She's considering Ozone Therapy, but has been told it's all BS. I don't want her to pass up something if it could save her life.

    I guess I'm one of those who thinks the AMA and the FDA won't tell you everything they could. Bottom line, you know. I just don't trust billion dollar drug companies with only one agenda. Money.

    I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. (William Blake, A Poison Tree)

  • Tatiana

    Yes, Nathan. I've heard of one girl who was terminal and had the hydrogen peroxide treatment. She survived.

    I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. (William Blake, A Poison Tree)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm sure the people offering the ozone therapy are not offering it for free - they too are probably in it "for the money", and there is nothing wrong with that. Barbequed chickens do not just fly into our mouths; people (and businesses) have expenses.

    Ozone, as you probably know, is a form of oxygen. In nature, oxygen is usually found in two atom pairs - the familiar O2 - ozone is three atoms of oxygen bound together by shared electrons, O3. What makes ozone so potent is that it is an unstable molecule and ready breaks onto a stable O2 and a highly reactive O, called "nascent" or "newborn" oxygen. Those single Os don't hang around long either - they either combine with an other single O from another ozone molecule or bind with whatever happens to be nearby.


    I've heard that in high concentrations, ozone can be as dangerous as chlorine because the single O atoms will damage (burn) lung tissue. In low concentrations there is probably no danger - ozone is what makes the air smell so fresh after a thunderstorm. I'd be skeptical that any amount of inhaled ozone would actually enter the patient's bloodstream - it would have reverted to the common form of oxygen, bound to hemoglobin, by then.

    If excess oxygen has a curative effect, why not just get into a hyperbaric (high pressure) oxygen chamber?

    Within another generation, medical science will have found the secret of producing antibodies for all forms of cancer - there are already some in human trials, and more will follow. Our grandchildren may live their lives without having to face this threat.

  • Tatiana

    I agree, Nathan. These machines cost money. And companies are in business to make money. But, I know of someone who has a machine, and swears by it. He doesn't want any money or compensation for helping people. This is the first time I've actually tried to research it, though. And since you seem to know something about it, I was wondering if you could read some of the info on the links I gave and give me an honest opinion on whether you think the claims are valid. I know this is time consuming, and you don't know her, but I'd really appreciate it.

    I want to help her find a doctor in her area who uses this method, but I don't want to give her false hope or make her worse than she is.
    This is some of the info from one of the sites.

    Ozone, best known for its protective role in the earth's ecological harmony, and for its interaction at ground level with industrial pollutants, has unique biological properties which have been investigated for applications in various medical fields.
    As early as the first World War, Ozone's bactericidal properties were used to treat infected wounds, mustard gas burns and fistulas.
    There first treatment attempts, however, were hampered by technological difficulties. Medical Ozone generators have since been developed and refined. They differ from industrial generators in their capacity to deliver the purest Ozone-Oxygen mixtures in needed amounts.
    A critical advance in medical ozone technology was the development, in the early 60's of plastics which could adequately carry this mixture and permit proper administration to patients. In the last few years Ozone treatment has seen growing interest from diverse therapeutic groups.

    The oxygen atom exists in nature in several forms:
    1) As a free atomic particle (0), it is highly reactive and unstable.
    2) Oxygen (02), its most common and stable form, is colorless as a gas
    3) Ozone (03) has a density one and a half times that of oxygen.

    Ozone is a powerful oxidant. Of importance to biological systems is Ozone's interaction with tissue, especially blood.
    These dynamics are especially relevant for medical applications because some of the most practiced methods in Ozone therapy involve the mixing of a small volume of whole blood with a pure ozone/oxygen mixture and subsequently returning it to the patient.
    In this manner, it is calculated that the dose of Ozone administered will perform its therapeutic functions without disrupting blood composition.

    The production of Ozone-Oxygen mixtures for human and veterinary applications is subject to important technical consideration. Clinical Ozone generators which regulate the flow of medical grade oxygen through high voltage tubes with outputs ranging from 4000V to 14,000V are capable of producing Ozone-Oxygen mixtures within concentration ranges extending to five percent, predicated by three variables:
    1) the voltage applied
    2) the oxygen flow rate
    3) the electrode separation distance

    Nitrogen, in the presence of high energy fields, forms nitric oxides. (27) It is the nitric oxide which at one time was considered toxic, but in actuality plays an important role in bringing about the health of the immune system and the maintenance of optimum health.
    Since the half life of Ozone is 45 minutes at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, in two hours losing its concentration to 16% of its initial value, it must be freshly generated for immediate use at the treatment site.

    The maximum dose generated is 5% Ozone to 95% oxygen.
    Caution is needed not to mix ether and ozone, an especially reactive mixture. Also, no Ozone should be taken if the following conditions are present: acute alcohol intoxication, recent heart attacks, hemorrhage in any organ, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, blood clots and Ozone allergy.

    Ozone was first administered by application to external body surfaces. A.Wolff, in 1915, is credited for using local Ozone treatments for wounds, fistulas, decubitus ulcers and osteomyelitis.

    Today, specially designed plastic, enables the body to be comfortably encased in a space where a determined ratio of Oxygen to Ozone is administered at a chosen flow rate.

    Indication for external Ozone application include poorly healing wounds, burns, staphylococcal infections, fungal and radiation lesions, herpes simplex and zoster, and gangrene diabetic or non-diabetic). Dosage is adjusted to the condition treated. High Ozone concentrations are used for disinfection and cleaning, while low concentrations promote healing.

    Payr in 1935 (3) and Augourg in 1936 (6) first used Ozone-Oxygen mixtures in rectal insufflation. The list of indications has expanded to include many conditions.
    It is reported that in inflammatory diseases of the bowel, Ozone promotes healing and restores the floral balance distrubed by harmful germs.

    In a typical treatment, daily insufflations are applied starting with 50 ml and increasing as tolerated in increments until 500 ml are administered. (7) This technique is of use in the treatment of bowel infections associated with AIDS. Microsporidia, a tiny, rarely detected parasite may be responsible for many cases of AIDS wasting illness, (8) and studies of this germ's susceptibility to Ozone treatment has been reported.

    Whereas it can be readily understood that external Ozone applications produce local effects such as disinfection, wound healing or local circulatory enhancement, the technique of introducing Ozone in the circulation as in the technique of major autohemotherapy, 50 to 100 ml of blood is drawn from the patient, mixed with adose of Ozone-Oxygen, then returned via the same intravenous catheter to the patient, where the Ozonated blood is rapidly distributed to all tissues.

    With blood infusions, Ozone exerts therapeutic actions locally; virucidal activity, Oxygenation, increased red cell fluidity and promotes increased beneficial systemic activity. (9) Of interest, are the report of some patients, who after receiving this treatment experience feelings of well-being lasting for a few minutes to several hours.

    Although the above techniques of ozone administration represent the majority of hospital or office based procedures, others deserve mention.

    In this technique, 10 ml of venous blood is drawn from the patient, mixed with Ozone-Oxygen, then injected intramuscularly. Listed indications include asthma, acne, some allergic conditions and some cases of arthritis.

    Ozone is approximately ten times more soluble in water than oxygen. Mixed into water, the half life of Ozone is nine to ten hours at pH7 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. It may be rinsed orally in conditions such as thrush and periodontal disease, swallowed in cases of gastritis or stomach cancer, or irrigated in chronic bladder inflammation.

    Ozonated olive oil provides long term, low dose exposure of Ozone to tissues, and it may be used topically or consumed by drinking small amounts of used on salads.

    Ozonated water bubbled in warm baths provides stimulation of local circulation and a disinfectant action to varicosities, circulatory disorders and dermatological conditions (eczema, ulcers, psoriasis, etc.)

    Pulmonary effects of Ozone in low doses include metabolic activation of lung cells; but with Ozone, one must avoid the escape of Ozone into the treatment area.
    For the reason that below 0.30 ppm the probability of Ozone traversing the respiratory epithelium and entering the systemic circulation is so low, very few studies have attempted to measure these effects. (12) The techniqe of major autohemotherapy and others that involve the direct introduction of Ozone in the circulation, shows that Ozone exposure increases metabolic activity of red blood cells.
    According to other researchers, the direct intravascular injection of pure Ozone/Oxygen mixtures results in the following response; an activation of enzymes involved in oxygen radical scavenging, releasing oxygen to the tissues.

    Although the inhibition and lethal effects of Ozone on disease producing organisms have been observed since the latter part of the nineteen century, these actions have not yet been completely explained. Ozone is a strong germicide needing only a few micrograms per liter for measurable action.

    Viruses differ in their susceptibility to destruction by Ozone.
    The most cited explanation for Ozone's bactericidal effects centers on disruption of envelope integrity. There is evidence for interaction with proteins as well.

    In one study exploring the effect of Ozone on E. coli, evidence was found for Ozone's penetration of the cell membrane. In clinical treatment with Ozone, Ozone appears to be toxic to infecting organisms and not to the patient.

    Ozone possesses fungicidal effects. In one study, Candida cell growth inhibition with Ozone was greatly dependent on phases of their growth, budding cells exhibiting the most sensitivity to its presence.

    Viruses are parasites at the genetic level. Lipid-containing viruses are sensitive to treatment with Ozone. Viruses containing lipid coatings include the Herpes viruses, a large family grouping the Simplex, Zoster, Cytomegalovirus and Epsteinn-Barr viruses, mumps, measles, influenza, rabies and the HIV virus.

    In those clinical applications which make use of external or body cavity application of Ozone, inactivation of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses or fungi, proceeds by a variety of different methods. The treatment of burns, superficial infections, ulcers and abscesses is approached by this method, which is the absorption of Ozone through the skin and the mucous membranes.

    Since very little free Ozone remains in the solution due to its high reactivity, its products interact with circulation as well as tissue-bound viruses, thus inactivating them.

    Although unproven to be an outright curative for any viral illness, Ozone blood treatment, as reported in several studies should lessen clinical severity or duration. Thus, therapeutic benefits have been noted in hepatitis, acute and chronic, and herpes.

    In chronic viral infections-Cytomegalic, Epstein-Barr and Retrovirus (AIDS) among others, blood Ozonation administered during viral cycles or in periods of clinical detection may, through the production of co-factors be inhibitory to viral replication, modify immune function, and be a tool in inducing viral suppression.
    Ozone is reported to be an immunostimulant in low doses.

    I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. (William Blake, A Poison Tree)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I looked over the information in the links you've provided, and I feel I have a better understanding of what O3 therapy is about. I had mistakenly imagiined that the ozone would be inhaled. Now I understand that it is probably autohemotherapy and vaginal insufflation that your friend is considering. I found it interesting that the claim for ozone is not that it is itself a "magic bullet" but that by delivering additional oxygen to the blood cells it enhances their natural activity. Also of interest was the statement that ozone treatments cause no harm.

    In the past I've heard of suggested links between cervical cancer and herpes type virii and the apparent effectiveness of ozone therapy against herpes is very interesting, to say the least.

    Given what I've just learned, if I or a loved one was facing as serious a medical threat as your friend is, I would urge them to investigate this treatment. I would also encourage them not to abandon the standard treatments.

  • hillary_step


    If you can possibly get your hands on a book by Michael Lerner called 'Choices In Healing', it would present the options open to victims of cancer at any stage in their illness.

    Lerner, a MacArthur Prize winner, explores the most succesful ways of integrating and balancing both conventional and complementary approaches to cancer. His philosophy that 'a bit of both', if balanced correctly, is the most succesful way forward, seems to have bought recovery, or at least a dignified exit, to many, even at stage 4 of the illness.

    My wife and I send our very best wishes to your friend -- HS

  • Mulan

    I have some strong opinions on this subject, since my beloved cousin, died in September from breast cancer, that had metasticized to her lungs, liver and brain.

    She tried many alternatives, and her cancer progressed agressively. She died two and half years after the diagnosis. She had waited six months to start the traditional treatments, and it was too long to wait. The alternatives helped her through the chemo and radiation treatments, but in the end, she was still terminal.

    I recommend that people do what they are comfortable with, and the rest of us should stay out of it. I was supportive of what Sharon wanted to do, and now I beat myself up all the time, that I didn't make her do the chemo in the beginning, and the surgery. But, she made the decision, and died without regrets. I realize that no matter what I would have said, she would have taken the same path.

    She used the Essiac tea, and it helped her deal with the chemo, but nothing was going to change the fact that she was dying of cancer. I totally believe in alternative medicine, but sometimes, you really do need to listen to the experts.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • GoldDustWoman

    I think that someone should do whatever they feel is in their best interest. However, "alternative" therapies are better called unproven therapies. No formal studies have been done to confirm, or deny, their affectiveness.

    Proceed with caution.


    Closed minds always seem to be connected to open mouths

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