JW's just here LOL!

by mommy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Well what a suprise and welcome to the neighborhood. A young man(alone) just knocked at my door wanting to share a scripture with me on the conditions of the world today. The kids were working on their math so I had a few minutes to play, so I bit He opened up Timothy and read what "horrible" conditions we live in today. I couldn't help but state that those "conditions" are really just human nature and they have been around since man has. He agreed but said I should agree that things are just so much worse now...I didn't

    I told him that there are many good things occuring in this world today, and that even in public school's now they are teaching programs on how to be a better neighbor and friend. Teaching morals to children has always been a priority of churches with Sunday school geared towards the younger generation. Also the UN has made great strides in ensuring world peace. See where I am heading with this?

    Well he wasn't to be sidetracked, he needed to finish his speach, so he opens up Revelations where it says God is making a new heavens and a new earth. He then quickly jumped to the "What does God require of us" brochure and offered to leave it with me. I told him I may read it, but I was an atheist and felt if God required something from me, I am sure I would find it without his or anyone elses help.

    He was so young, probably mid twenties maybe younger. An older woman saw he was still at the door and walked up on the porch, she then invited herself in and since it was so cold I agreed. She then took over...lol part of me wanted to tell her, you go girl We discussed my opinions on god and she was so willing to show me from the scripture why I should believe in him. Anyway, I will leave that out and get to the good stuff.

    They brought up again how horrible life is and how we need god now. I said I thought that UN was doing a good job and asked how JW's felt about being involved in other organizations to help improve life on this planet now. They gave the spiel(sp?) of how they are relying on God to come save them and will not be part of this world and support any govt or earthly organization to do this. Jackpot!

    I then asked, well "The JW's applied to the UN in 1991 to become a NGO and agreed to support the charter of the UN. So if they are relying on God why are they willing associating, and actively seeking out association with the UN? Oh and BTW don't you believe that anyone associated with the UN will be destroyed?"

    Wide eyed open mouthed relpies, No way would the JW's be a part of the UN. Neither one was aware that the org was even an NGO. I told them about the Guardian article and repeated the name 3 times just in case they wanted to look up themselves. I even gave them instructions on calling the UN and asking about the status of the WTBTS. I wish I had my copy of the letter handy I would have shown them that as well. I told of my discussions with Bryce in Brooklyn, and said what a nice young man he was and how helpful he was, encouraging them to call as well.

    I had my PC right there and offered to pull up the site that showed their association in laymens terms. Of course they denied, the woman was getting antsy, and explained the dangers of the internet and how we cannot believe everything we see on it. I told her I agreed and I was very careful on what I DL as well. But I did reiterate that the WTBTS was on the Official UN site.

    Long story shorter? I agreed to take their booklet, and I said I may read it. And I would welcome them back anytime to have a cup of coffee and discuss anything they wanted. I told them who my mom and family was and they knew us through the grapevine. Hmmm maybe I will get an elders visit after all these years, I can't wait
    wendy(of the Advertise, Advertise, Advertise class)

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • Mulan

    Hi Wendy. Wow, that must have been fun. No one ever comes to our door. Of course we have demons flying out of our ears. Hahahhaha.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • teenyuck

    Great job! I wish I could have been as calm and collected when they came to my door about 2 weeks ago....

    Anyway, I like the approach you took.

    Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film.

  • TR

    I love it, Wendy! Can't wait for the return visit!

    The last time elders came to my door, I spent a whole hour unloading everything I learned about the WTS on them. I told them to research it, don't take my word for it.

    It's really funny to see the look on their faces when you let them know that you know more about the borg than they do.

    One of the elders is a lawyer and bragged that it was in his nature to research things. He said he would get back to me and let me know what he found out. That was 5 years ago, he never came back.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • nytelecom1

    even i think thats a good one

  • closer2fine

    Good job!!!! No one ever comes to my door. Ever.

    A year ago I received a letter with a magazine in it - but they don't do that anymore (anthrax)


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • ashitaka

    Dude, that was great.....put a smile on my face....


  • mommy

    Too much fun

    I have been out for 9 years now, I would have been nervous years ago. But I know alot more about their religion than they do, so I felt I had the uppper hand.

    LOL I can't wait either, I really hope they do come back!

    Why I do believe that is a compliment?

    We just moved in here about a week and a half ago, too funny because it has been years since I talked to JW at the door.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • Mindchild

    Fantastic job Wendy! Say...wanna sell your services? lol

    I bet those two dubs had to make an emergency exit to McDonald's to get a happy meal after you made them look like fools.

    Love it!


  • outnfree


    YOU go, girl! (That sister wasn't very theocratic, was she?!

    What a hoot!

    I hope they come back with an ELDER in tow and with your superior factual knowledge you can a) show him up in front of the others in order to b) get all THREE of them investigating!!!

    Hope you're feeling just peachy!



    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

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