ENRON Suicide on news....

by sf 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeman

    From AP-NewsWire: In a stunning development, President George Bush upon learning of the suicide of former Enron Corp. vice chairman J. Clifford Baxter, hurled himself out an Oval Office window in an apparent suicide attempt of his own. Secret service agents quickly rushed President Bush to nearby Mercy Hospital. President Bush’s injuries are not considered life threatening. The first floor Oval Office window is less then 5 feet off the ground. A hospital spokesman confirms the president was only slightly injured and is currently under observation. President Bush is expected to be released later this afternoon.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Another Vince Foster look alike death? Vince was left-handed and the gun was found on his right side. I guess he threw it there after he shot himself.

    This Enron deal was BIG business with BIG boys. I'll watch O'Reilly tonite and get the plausable explanation.

    Guest 77

  • Valis

    Our upstanding Vice President also refuses to release any information about his Committe on Energy policy. Real honest government huh?....

  • Derrick

    Oh boy, I really shouldn't get pulled into this topic but the Enron situation upsets me to no end. I have heard of tragic situations where those who lost their retirement savings to fraud and faced decades of poverty have killed themselves. Therefore I feel impelled to speak my mind even though some who don't appreciate the damage to innocent lives that Enron has caused, might find my sentiments rather "gosh".

    Although I almost didn't comment on the subject of corporate sleaze bags, this one begs for abuse. Enron executives are lower than the slime in toilet bowls at Enron headquarters for stealing the retirement savings from thousands of hard working people! Many of those retired folks may have committed suicide, and that makes those sleazebags cold-blooded murderers in my book.

    It's ashame that such organized rich crime figures in the guise of legit corporate businessmen are not given the death penalty as a deterrent to future Enron wannabees. I'm sure many of the families of those wiped-out retirees can only hope other Enron executives take their colleague's example and follow suit. (Perhaps they might consider placing a loaded gun in front of the seat of every plush leather boardroom chair at Enron headquarters?)

    I really don't think many people fully appreciate how many innocent lives were destroyed by these greedy criminals at Enron.

    There, I had my say! (Sigh!) ;-)


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