So earlier today I was having lunch with my sister when 3 ladies walked in to the restaurant. One in her early 20' in her late 30's early 40's and the last one maybe somewhere in her 50's. When I looked up and glanced at them I said to my sister that I bet those are JW's since they were all dressed in service clothes. They ended up sitting by us and one of them brought their book bag in with the Asleep magazine peeking out. So nosey me was listening in to a little bit of their convo while eating. Then the young girl was talking about how she went to a concert (did'nt hear what type it was) and how she started to hand out magazines since she just felt that she had to share the good new with everyone there.
The rest of their conversation was pretty boring...talking about sister so and so being sooooo encouraging...However, I do have to say that I didn't hear them gossip (maybe they saved the gossip for actual field service). I was kinda hoping that they would so I could say something to them. Anyway.....Listening to them talk made me realize that their standard cult language has not changed a bit. I don't miss it at all.