I know one thing, that deduction really helped the big housing boom, that's for sure. How's that going, anyway?
You can blame Clinton and Bush for that. Allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry to buy a home they couldn't really afford in the first place with virtually no credit history. Giving them ARM notes, sub-prime lending.
I can give you a personal experience. In my typical middle-class-working-stiff kind of a neighborhood, there was one family that bought a home similar to ours. Two story, 2800 sq. ft. home. As a matter of fact it was one of the model homes for the neighborhood.
This family pretty much decided to move themselves out of the ghetto into this home. How they qualified for a loan is between them and the bank. When they first moved in they seemed very nice. Older man and wife, with a teen and 10 yr old daughters. They would at first maintain the home. Then after a year, his older son moved in. We would sometimes get home late (1 or 2am) from attending a dance or something, and you would see about 10-12 people just hanging outside drinking and smoking. Then came the late night cop visits. Then we found out, that both the father and son were registered sex offenders from NC. Son was arrested for not registerion here in Texas.
Almost 4 years to the day the moved in they were forced to move out, because the house was forclosed on them for not making a payment in a year. We went to look at the house as it was open for auctioning. There was an old 90s cadillac all jacked up in the front with flat tires left in the driveway. The garage door was all banged up. The people ripped off the sinks from the bathroom. The wooded floors were scrathed up like crazy. There were holes in the sheetrock. The carpet had burn holes and dirt spots everywhere. There where broken windows. The back lawn was over grown and look like crap.
Those people would have never qualified for a home if the lending practices were tightened up to weed out trashy people like that. But no. Clinton-Bush-Obama believe everyone is entitled to same things responsible, law-abiding, working-class, not looking for a govment hand-out kind of people.
Just one experienced that played out thousands of time around the country. And dont get me started on the brokers, home builders, survey companies, title loan officers, and bankers that enabled them.