help.. urgently a friend has spirits in her house priest removed then can they come to me if she s in my home.

by suzanne.dickenson 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Welcome, Suzanne, I think spirits have only the power that you give them.

    Absolutely agree.


  • BurnTheShips
    This thread, if real, is exactally why a real jws would never come to us looking for help. We would heckle them to death. I did at least offer the possibility it might be real. And it might. Jws are not crazy for believing in demons. If an entire religion whatever believes in something, then it is not considered crazy to also believe it.
    I was treated as bad and fought back. Some members stepped in to help me. Suzzanne, If you are a jws and need help, come on back. The mods should stop a lot of the really bad heckling.

    I agree with some of what Violia has said. There we go, we've chased off another first time poster by mocking her. Geeeeeeez.

    This is not a very welcoming board, in some ways. I can't say that anything should be enforced from the top, but I wish more posters would think about what they write to newbies before they write it.



    Good Morning Burns!..

    You have to admit..

    "Saturn the Devil" is Funny..LOL!!..

    I wish I would have thought of it..LOL!!..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • BurnTheShips

    Yeah, it is funny as hell! Great. Now I broke my own advice.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Saturn the Devil? Any relation to Dodge the Demon?

    Think About It

  • Violia

    I wanted to say I don't agree with some of what she says ( number one she is an atheist) but that aside I thought she had some good points. We did all at one time believe in the existence of the demons. Maybe we were not terrorized by them but we believed . See how she draws the comparassion between a radical muslim and an average one? We could do the same.

  • Twitch

    I welcome spirits in my home, specifically Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam. They make me do funny things,...

  • Violia

    I will try again. Scietiology( sp) is a mainstream cult. It has a lot of weird beliefs in it, esp as you get further into it . Of course they are crazy. However, You cannot single one group member out and declare them mentally ill b/c of these beliefs. The formatiion of the religion bonfies the belief.

    bonify evils, ortincturethemwithgood.

    - Cudworth

  • StoneWall


    hi and welcome to the board.

    As far as demons or spirits go, I wouldn't be to terrified of them.

    I've spent over 40+ years on this mudball planet and still haven't seen a demon,angel,ghost or any other spirit.

    (and I've been actively searching,even so called "haunted" houses)

    But if you do happen to see/find one could you come back on this thread and let us know?

    I'd love to come and see/witness it for myself.

  • AGuest

    Dear Suzanne... the greatest of love and peace to you... whether you are serious or not. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are sincere and deserving of my respect... until they show me they aren't sincere or so deserving... and so I will with you. Of course, I could be wrong... you could be a total imposter... but I have come to know that poor spelling and grammar does not a faker make. Indeed, MANY today cannot spell accurately. Many cannot even read. Most... don't know punctuation and sentence structure. And, depending on your age... and the poor relationship you have with your dad, you very well may believe that it's "Saturn the Devil," and not "Satan the Devil" (which it is). With that said:

    Many have stated that you have absolutely nothing to fear... and that is true: demons (bad spirits) only have whatever power YOU give them. They can't do anything to you or your children... without your permission. So... don't give it. If you truly believe there is a spirit (and I am confused at to whether you do or, rather, are simply just afraid of something someone else told you of)... simply tell the spirit to be gone. Forcefully. Get out (of your house, car, whatever)... and don't come back. And if there IS a bad spirit... it will leave. Oppose it... and it will flee.

    But... I have to say that I believe you (well, your friend) may have something more serious than a bad spirit to worry about... if what you state is accurate... and that is "who" is "touching" the children, perhaps "on the landing." Spirits don't touch, dear one, unless they manifest in the flesh... and even then, it's in the form of a person. I think "someone" is "playing tricks" (and, yes, I mean actual tricks) with your friend... but more importantly, with her kids. Either her kids themselves and/or another kid(s) (who are making up "stories" about what's really going on out on the landing)... or worse, an adult (who is maybe teaching/directing/telling them to say that "a spirit" is touching them).

    I would say to YOU, therefore, that rather than running around like chicken little... or cowering in the corner... you might consider approaching your friend and saying to her... adult to adult... "GF, you need to look into what's going on with your children. You need to ask them some REAL questions... and get to the bottom of this whole "touching" thing. Because spirits... don't 'touch'."

    Now, she may find out that there is some "touching" going on and so sharing a few words as to the "lessons of life" might be at hand. She might, God forbid, find out more. But she isn't going to find out ANYTHING if she doesn't ask... and you're going to continue running hysterical over what might actually be nothing more than child's play.

    IF you are serious and your friend told you this... and is also serious... I would say that someone needs to start worrying less about the "novelty"... or "horror"... whichever is the case... of having a ghost... and check on the children.

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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