For those who grew up a JW . . .

by Trixie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Trix, it's called social conditioning.

    Guest 77

  • mindfield

    Kenneson, although the mental picture you depicted of JW's gleefully laughing as people dying all around them scream for help and buildings crumble around them was extremely morbid, I had to chuckle. The image is so insane it's ridiculous. It's disgusting.

    In fact, if people do survive any kind of Armageddon, and they're laughing and hugging, I think I'd rather kill myself than stay with those maniacs.

    "Oh gee, God killed my son. Guess he wasn't so good a JW after all! Weeeee!"

    God no.

  • BluesBrother


    What can I say, raised in "The Truth" - I was turned 50 before the penny dropped and I came to see it for the empty ,illogical,Bible twisting load of old ******** that we now know it to be.

    Why? well I am no cleverer than the rest of them and although thoughts would cross ones my mind, the idea of it being wrong was just impossible - and I did not want it to be wrong. I recently read the description of cognitive dissonance on the Freeminds site. I guess that was me for a long time.

    Until something bad/traumatic, whatever you'd want to label it, happens personally to them
    from JBeans post.

    That is very true as well , and I am not going to say what it was , but you need a jolt to make you sit up and think

  • gumby

    Trixie: Quote...."I can't believe that they continue to be JWs when they are free of their parents".

    As Mindfeild said "You grow up BELIEVING it's the ultimate truth.

    Funny I was just today wondering WHY I didn't see things sooner than I did.How did I not? Because once you can concieve of the idea ..God is using a group or organization to speak can believe anything they say.

    I have come to understand that even very intelligent people can be none has to feel guity for being an ass for getting sucked in it or raised in it.

  • teenyuck

    Hi all,

    Even though I was 5 when my Mom joined, she got her whole side of the family into it. As a result, all my relatives are dubs. My Dad joined; his parents thought he was nuts. We were allowed very little contact with my Dad's parents from when I was 5 onward.

    Anyway, I knew something was not right. They showed pics of children and animals being killed during the "tribulation." And all the kids in school were "bad associations."

    I was able to fade away when I was 20. I did think the big A was coming in 1975, so I got dipped. However, my heart was not in it. I figured, I was a good kid and Jehovah would not kill me! (but I still got dipped )

    I was able to walk away from it. I had no friends in it. My family is quite dysfunctional and many JW members do not speak to one another for stupid personal reasons. I was lucky.

    I did mention to my mother that when the big A occurs (she is a firm believer) she will never see my sister and I again. We both have stated we do not believe in God. We will not survive. (not that I believe it will happen; I was trying to open her eyes) So far, nothing. She said she had to go and hung up. This was last night. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    I will stop rambling.....

  • gumby

    Puffsrule....did you believe in God at one time or never?

  • Englishman


    I hate myself for saying this, but the real character kids left ASAP. The one's who are still left in are the real Dorkie kids.


    ..From the scepter'd Isle kept free by 2 fins and 4 Merlins.

  • razorMind

    My sisters and I grew up VERY STRICTLY in the JW' dad's been an elder ever since I can remember.

    I gradually stopped attending so many meetings during my last years at home (having a job provided a GREAT excuse). It's funny now, remembering how I immediately ceased attending once I moved out; I think I attended 2 meetings before stopping completely. At the time I didn't know any other religion but JW. I still sounded like a brainwashed fool whenever someone asked why we believed this or that, but believe me, I was living free and wild!!! The UTTER FREEDOM after being restricted in every way imaginable....

    Almost all the JW kids I grew up with are not in it anymore. In fact, my youngest sister is the only one left. She's married at 19 to a "brother" she hardly knows, living almost penniless, literally DOES NOT KNOW how to pay a bill, wash laundry, cook or otherwise take care of herself.

    Most of the others left while we were still involved. A few committed suicide.

    Sorry I rambled.....

  • Beans

    I think it`s what you call a Cult some can`t get out,they are bound to association with there JW peers.It was easy for me to leave at 16 and now all my friends are out,those who remain are simply GEEKS!

  • terafera

    LOL yep ENGLISH and BEANS, geeks is what they are! I'm not trying to be mean, but the ones with looks, brains or personality would always leave. The other ones with zits, glasses, and a personality that reminds me of cardboard would be the full time pioneers. I remember the cool witness kids in high school... god, we were so rebellious, you'd never know we were 'Christian' . But there was one sister who was my age (15 at the time) who would run the school halls with an Awake or WatchTower. Everyone knew her as a Bible Bouncer. Gawd she was ugly... to this day I think she never found a brother to marry her. Poor thing!

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