The dilemma; There is 70 or more family members. My son and I are Agonstic.
So the rest of my family are Baptist , Methodist or JW. Of course I will be
dead, but the question that come up what kind of send off will I have.
I have one relative who is Baptist Minister, he and I have had many talks in
regarding my belief. Since I am getting up in age and we will all die some day,
Iam making plans for my funeral. Any suggestion. I have never attended A
funeral that didn.t have A Minister conducting it. Have anyone attend A
non-Christian funeral.If my Baptist Minister relative conduct it, it would be the
shortest funeral talk ever given, he told me so. He live, got married and he
died. He did not believe in our GOD of the bible, so that means he do not
believe in heaven or hell so it,s no need to read what God word say on
the matter. Where he will end up I have no idea, that is what he told me.
I do not want to be A hypocrite anyway. Just curious have other Agonstis
thought about this?