Were you afraid of Armageddon?

by cyberjesus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    No. I was hoping it would come before the end of the school holidays.

  • Ding

    You didn't observe school holidays, did you?

    Sounds awfully "Christendom" and "Babylon the Great" to me! :-)

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    No, I meant the time off.

  • exwhyzee

    I was afraid my non Witness Dad was going to be killed because he studied but did not get baptized after comming to an accurate knowledge. At one point, they even said our worldly friends and family would turn on us. I was afraid to trust my own Father. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to protect my two little sisters, one of which was 12 years younger than me. The older of the two used to become hysterical when the Watchtower lessons or talks would indicate that our Father would be killed at Armegeddon. As I've said on here before, our father died violently in her arms after not taking a blood transfusion. I wondered why I would be destroyed by Jehovah if I gave in to physical torture, because this was the same punishment the person torturing me would receive. I never did a thing wrong (snitched a few cookies) but was certain that even if I did survive the torture that sure to happen, I wouldn't be allowed in the new system anyway because I didn't love going out in service or to the meetings like everyone else did

    It's so sick what their religious fanatic beliefs did to thousands and thousands of us children....and none of them will admit that it ever happened. And for that reason alone....I can never forgive them.

  • flipper

    JESUS- Early on being raised in the witnesses I was somewhat scared of it into my early 20's - but as I got into my 30's it was the late 1980's , then the 1990's and I really started having serious doubts as to whether the big A would EVER come. That's when I started getting more lax towards reaching out for elder or to serve as a M.S. again . I realized the WT society had deceived us through fear & guilt. By the time I finally left the cult in 2003 - I KNEW for sure that Armageddon was just an illusion

  • VampireDCLXV
  • d

    When I was Jw yes but as I got older I was not scared .When 9/11 happend when I was younger I was very scared about Armageddon happening and then to top it off my school had a lock down drill because they thought that mail coming in had white power on it which they thought was Athrax.Talk about being scared but now I don't even worry, life is too short to worry aobut something that will never even really happen.

  • d

    Somewhat when I was younger espeically after 9/11.Today I laugh at the Jw's who tell me the end is near.The end their is, is the end of one's life.

  • ProdigalSon

    CJ, you've come a very long way in a very short amount of time if you still believed this was the truth in 2009. Like you, I was df'd in 1995 and still believed it until 2006. Yes I was very afraid, but also angry, because I hated Jehovah and had no problem telling him that he could keep his Pharisee new system if it meant an eternity of the Watchtower. I let him know point blank that I'd rather take my chances with Gehenna. At least there would be other people there who liked to have fun and wouldn't look at me like a bug under a microscope..

  • d

    In the early 200's like 2001 and 2002 just a little but today on Feb 27, 2011 no way.A sister at the Kingdom hall once told me back in 1998 that Armageddon would come in 2015 and so far no armageddon has started.Even in 2003 I was being told this syestem would not last in 2011 yeah right.Here we are and no Armageddon

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