I agree with the TSA's procedures but where I have a problem is when the they are going to force him to the pat down. Come on, his items went through xray and he a metal detector. The passenger was calm and kudos to him for recording it. I wonder if the TSA will sue him for recording, there are signs all over at the security screening that no one is to photograph/record.
They prolly will, they'll prolly try to charge him for violating "wiretapping" laws like a cop tried to do with a motorcyclist a while back, but the charges got tossed out in court.
On a side note: I'm surprised that the TSA didn't move in with the busing system like Greyhound for example or even Amtrak. Considering how TSA like to make people's lives miserable with all these ridiculous security implimentations and not a single bomber was ever caught. They only got caught AFTER they got into the air, like the shoe bomber for example.