Secrets to the exit -- so long Watchtower!

by Marie B. Paraison 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    I agree with Lady Lee....

    That "OOOOOOOOKay" was also my first response to Miss Marie's post....


    I do notice that she has only 6 posts. This post, while unusual, is not inflammatory nor is it overtly insulting. So, I respectfully read it, and cannot really make much of a comment on it, other than echoing Lady Lee's word.

    But it was mildly interesting...


  • AGuest

    MUUUUUAH!, dear tec, truly! ! The greatest of love and peace to you, you very kind lady! You want my faith and boldness? I want your kindness and mildness - LOLOLOLOLOL! May the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, find it in His merciful heart to grant to EACH of us the desired fruit of His holy spirit... through His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH!

    YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • Broken Promises
  • tec

    You know, it really costs nothing to be nice to someone.


  • Nickolas

    Yeah, you're right, Tammy. Even if they're barking mad. Point taken.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL @ Nickolas

  • AGuest

    Keep in mind, dear Tams (peace to you, dear one!)... that one cannot bring forth what isn't in one. So, it's reasonable that some... just can't help it. Those are usually are the ones we're supposed to pray for. I do what I can.

    Peace to you!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • wannabefree

    Fred Sanford (Sanford and Son) found out he was of Jewish heritage ... Season 6, episode 23 ... "Funny, You Don't Look It"

    I just happened to watch this a few weeks ago, this thread brought it back.

  • thenoblelodge

    I tried going on and my 'puter kept jamming. I'll try again later.

    Good news for you Shelby. Before my Dad died he told me his Granma was Jewish. It came as a total shock because the family never, ever talked about it. We just never know what information lies in those dusty old closets do we.

    I see you're stalkers still stalking, lol.

  • Nickolas

    Keep in mind, dear Tams (peace to you, dear one!)... that one cannot bring forth what isn't in one.

    I presume, SA, you are referring to bullshit?

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