Anybody know about NEW LIGHT concerning Noah's Son's - Shem, Ham?

by Momma-Tossed-Me 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia
    I was talking to another exjw yesterday and he said that his brother who is just exiting was confronted by his in laws who said the new understanding was that the one who was cursed was not cursed but another one of the son's was.

    The Society has taught for years that "Cursed be Canaan" refers to Canaan alone and not to the descendents of Ham in general. It would be strange if they change it back to Ham, but otherwise there is no other son of Ham mentioned in the passage and "Cursed be Canaan" really doesn't allow any other reference. The story in its present form concerns the subjugation of the Canaanites to the Israelites.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Well I wish that i could offer something further, but it seems that I may have missed something in translation. Keep your eyes open for any clarity on the matter.

  • DagothUr

    Wow, the Zerg have an idiot explanation for everything in the natural world, don't they? They are not experts in any scientific field, but they have answers to any scientific issue. How do you spell S-T-U-P-I-D J-W-S?

  • DagothUr

    Does anyone know who was the GB member who visited Romania in 2007 or 2008?

  • straightshooter

    I always understood that Ham was where the black race came from and not specifically Canaan.

  • cherrypye

    Wow, first time I read that old excerpt. EnLIGHTening, indeed!

  • pirata

    Leolaia, would it be possible to get a citation for the reference above? Thanks!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    As I recall, it was Ham who first looked at a pig's hindquarters and thought, "Cut me off a slice of THAT."

    For this reason, the meat bears his name today.

    Shem was one of the original three Stooges, IIRC.

    "Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck! Oh? Wiseguy, eh?" - Shem

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    The watchtower 2010 says that "Ham" had a half brother named "Cheese" and they went very well together.

  • sir82

    Among JW old-timers, it is still quite common to believe that there are "three races of mankind - the black, the white, and the yella" as I recall one such old-timer explain it to me, corresponding to the 3 sons of Noah.

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