cannot speak to cats, but the rats, whose playground
is in the shower room of the upstairs bathroom, will
do pretty much like oldlightnewshite described of his
little daschund.....
the mother and daughter duo, adopted from the
high school biology class last summer, noodles
and jezzie (mamama and bebebe), after the morning
transfer to the playground, LOVE to scamper across
the floor to "rumble in the grundies" (flannel jammies)
of course, i stir them up, as they love to be tossed
and tickled.... whole thing takes about 3-4 minutes....
then they help me wash my hands and brush my teeth
(vivid and disturbing visuals of what my senescence
will be like) and they head off to their nest box for
a 9 hour nap..... seems to be a morning "happy to
see you" ritual
mamama is the white one.... they are in their fleece hammock