Stories thread!

by FifthOfNovember 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • FifthOfNovember

    I love reading peoples funny stories, angry stories, fading stories, quitting stories, etc, etc...I'm running out of old threads to find them on so I thought I'd start one.

    Some of mine:

    A few years ago I gave an experience on stage about how I came into the truth and why since it was a struggle I suppose. Anyway, after the meeting was over, someone (who ALWAYS makes me mad, and other people) told me it was a good experience and immediately after that told me I should make sure the next time I got on stage to button my suit jacket...

    Another time the same person told me I couldn't wear a pair of pants to the meeting because I had a small snag in them!

    I'll post more as I think of them. Feel free to post any story you'd like! I especially love the stories about smurfs, demon possessed furniture, and other crazy beliefs. They always crack me up.

  • FifthOfNovember

    Just thought of some more.

    I remember out in service someone was telling demon stories and one went along the lines of somebody out in service got someone at the door who was involved with demons and when he handed the magazines to the man everything in his house started to shake and when he took the magazines back it stopped. I think he ended up giving him the magazines and leaving quick or something?

    Another one was about his son. He said that his son was having weird things happen to him like *gasp* he dropped his Bible when he walked in his house. So he ended up burning something he recently bought and the "strange things" stopped.

  • FifthOfNovember

    Another thing I heard out in service a while back: Some how creation came up, then the big bang, and an elder in the car group said, "You know, the society doesn't say Jehovah couldn't have created the universe by using the big bang."

    This made me a bit mad. I always remembered being taught that the big bang was some complete nonsense and now I'm told this? I'm sick of religion changing their views when science proves them wrong.

  • FifthOfNovember

    A long time ago I was told I shouldn't watch Spongebob because it's violent. The same person also told me the macarana dance used to be a prostitute dance so I shouldn't do it.

  • FifthOfNovember

    Some time this year I told some witnesses I couldn't go out to eat because I was low on gas and money. One of them said "where do you go?" like she expected me not to have a social life and things to do.

  • oldlightnewshite

    I know a sister that started studying with the Witlesses, and had 2 primary school aged children. She bought them a small wooden school desk and chairs from a charity shop. You know the kind- little inkwell and flip-up lid. covered in inksplats and doodles, from the 40's or 50's. The kids absolutely loved it, and felt really grown up to have their own school desk. They would use it every night to do their homework.

    Two weeks later, this sister plucked up the courage to tell her hubby that she'd been studying with the Witlesses, and that she was going to the meeting that night. He went ballistic, obviously, and searched everywhere for her hidden books and bible, and binned them. He went into a rage and they had a blazing row where he slapped her. The next day she discussed what happened to her study conductor, and her friends in the troof. The general consensus was that she had brought something into the house that was demon-possessed.

    You guessed it- the kids' desk and chairs were to blame. She took them into the yard and split them up with an axe, and took the wreckage to the local dump. The kids got home and bawled their eyes out, even though she'd bought them a new IKEA type desk. She told her hubby that she'd found woodworm, so she took it to a charity shop. To this day she is convinced it was demon-possessed.

    OBVIOUSLY somebody like Alistair Crowley had performed a black mass and decapitated a chicken on that very desk, when it was in some little country primary school.

  • mimimimi

    I had a fat, dumb sister tell me I should not have bought penny loafers to wear, but since I had I should not put pennies in them because it had to do with bringing luck. Another fat, really, really dumb sister told me that we were not supposed to see PG movies. I had run into her at the store while I had my kids with me and they had announced that we were going to see a PG movie that evening. I asked her if that was in the Watchtower or did someone just say it. She hesitated it briefly and then announced it was in the Watchtower. She didn't care where it was from; she just wanted to stop me from taking my kids to the movies. I just looked at her and thought what moron she was and we went to the show that evening.

  • oldlightnewshite

    I like how you distinguished what the sister was like- dumb sister kinda narrows it down to one out of 3 and a half million witnesses. Really ,really fat kinda narrows it down to one out of half a million witnesses. Lol!

    sorry, it just made me laugh! That and the PG part. Lol! As an adult, was she suggesting you needed YOUR parent's guidance too?

  • mimimimi

    Yeah, oldlightnewshite, ain't it the truth though. Fat and dumb describes the majority of J-dub women. Was she suggesting I needed my parent's guidance? I think she was just trying to control me herself. Bitch!!!

  • FifthOfNovember

    I was told the symbol of a band I like, Coheed and Cambria, was bad because it "represented the cosmos aligning." The band's music is based around a fictional story the singer made up. Their symbol represents a fictional planetary system with an energy field connecting them all.

    I don't know how to get the image to show up but if you type "keywork" into google you'll see it.

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