TSA to Investigate Body Scan Resister

by leavingwt 20 Replies latest social current

  • Berengaria

    This is untrue.

    Additionally, CAIR, the ACLU, and Ron Paul are all on the same side in lodging complaints.

  • Satanus

    'We'll exempt the most likely perps cuz of their religion.' The stupidity and cowardice in the reasoning are astounding.


  • read good books
    read good books
    This is untrue

    What's untrue it's been reported in a number of news articles.

    "Additionally, CAIR, the ACLU, and Ron Paul are all on the same side in lodging complaints."

    And the Muslims are the only ones getting action in response to their complaints.

  • Berengaria

    Where is the actual confirmation sentence from officials that Muslims are being exempted?

  • read good books
    read good books

    Actually I am not attacking the Muslims although it sounds like it, I am attacking Janet Napolitan and the TSA for humiliating 'Americans and I am pointing out the hypocrisy of it. Everybody should be exempt from this kind of harrasement, but the fact that she would CONSIDER exempting Muslims which is what I said last proves that this whole airport security harassement is aimed at Americans and is an effort to get them to submit to Police state measures;

    'It's unclear whyCAIR believes TSA frisking must be Shariah-compliant. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to deny that such exemptions existed when CNS News asked her about them on Monday, saying instead that "adjustments will be made where they need to be made" and that "there will be more to come" on this issue.'

  • Berengaria

    In other words purely a tempest in a teapot. I have seen the video, Napolitano gave a completely non committal (politically diplomatic) answer, and the right wing blogsphere goes crazy. Referencing each other over and over again. I'll believe it when I see it.

    'It's unclear whyCAIR believes TSA frisking must be Shariah-compliant

    What a silly comment. That's like saying "It's unclear why Jehovah's Witnesses would refuse to join the military and go to war". In reality what CAIR did was give instruction to muslims on how to deal with the situation.

  • read good books
    read good books

    That's quite a spin you just put on this I can feel t he breeze all the way to Minnesota from your spin. Napolitano was asked a direct question and refused to answer. Muslim's are exempt from Obama healthcare plan for religious reasons. Fine. Then the rest of us who have strong religious beleifs should be able to opt out of Obama care.

    Either Muslim women are exempt or their not Napolitano. If they are then it sure as hell wasn't Christians or Jews that flew that plane into the World Trade Towers (if you believe the official account) so why not exempt all women from the search. One of the reasons they gave in the beggining for the airport searches is we can't racially profile Muslims therefore we have to search everybody. Now the question is if Muslim women aren't going through the sexually harrassing pull women's breasts out in public and pinch their butts and sexually touch children at theairport searches then why should other women have to, that's reverse discrimination and Napolitano knows it thats why she wouldn't answer an important question it had nothing to do with being "diplomatic".

    And by the way I saw this on the message board of The View hardly a right wing blog. It's been all over mainstream media.

  • Berengaria

    You are not being logical, or accessing facts. But I'm getting the impression that you enjoy these outrageous notions.


  • read good books
    read good books

    It is you that's being illogical. Do you think it's okay for the airlines to frisk women and children in a sexual manner but exempt Muslim women? Does anybody remember why we have these outrageous security checks, what group allegedly flew into the trade towers? Wasn't it Muslims according to the government account? So if they exempt Muslim women why have the checks for women at all? Especially since I read that TSA has not done real security background checks on the people they hired and quite likely pedophiles and sex offenders are among those hired.

    Let's go over this one more time. Napolitano was asked are Muslim women given special exemptions or not. A yes or no question. If the answer were no then the whole matter could have been put to rest by stating that. She refused to answer the question. So therefore it's probably safe to suspect that yes Muslim are being given some type of exemption. Not that I want them frisked. I am trying in vain so far to appeal to your sense of justice. Should Muslim women be exempted from these unconstitutional checks then we should exempt all women. Because it was suppose to haven been Muslims who were the terrorists of 911 the Shoebomber and all the other incidents. If we exempt them then what's the point in checking any other ethnic or religious group of women? That's discrimination.

    Your personal attack on me does not answer the fact that you have not addressed the central point I raised. edited

  • Berengaria

    Personal attack???

    Nevermind, pointless endeavor.

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