It was brought to my attention that the word "chick" is demeaning. From now on, I will not mention that word again.
What are other appropriate words for chick?
by asilentone 11 Replies latest jw friends
Really.... news to me
How about:
I use "chick" all the time. Is it demeaning for a man to say "chick"?
Lady, young lady, young woman. I find chick is more of a kid's term for a young woman. Female sounds demeaning and impersonal to me. I don't mind being called girl.
Most people wouldn't know that Bird is a sexual term for a woman. Chick would mean a young bird. I'll leave it up to you to figure out why bird is a sexual term.
Darth plaugeis
I don't think Chick is the C word LOL!
Again it depends how well you know her and how it is used.
You are one Crazy Chick ...... can be fine after watching her Stand up and make 8 guys leave the Bar because she put them in their place.
Hey you are one good looking Chick..... I don't think anyone has had luck with that line.
I think maybe 'Chick' may be too casual for someone who is looking for a meaningful relationship.
But, somehow, from your posts, I don't get the feeling that you are looking for anything meaningful. It seems more likely that you are looking for arm candy - to be seen with hot women in order to boost your self-esteem.
In that case, 'Chick' is probably the exact right word for you to use.
Nathan Natas
Hatchling, baby chicken...
As a kid I clearly remember my uncle Roy, congregation servant at the time, giving a tongue lashing to a brother who had used the term "broad"in refering to a female. This 'counseling' took place in the parking lot after a meeting one night and I don't think anyone else heard it.
It made me very aware of the word but I never could understand why it was so bad. "Chick" seems rather mild, even sweet in a way.
"chica" or "chickadee" never go out of style.
I really don't think there are a lot of women that are offended by the term "chick". I think it comes down to whether or not she likes you. If she does, she'll probably think it's cute. If she acts offended, you probably never had a shot in the first place.