After the Swiss TV program on Jehovah’s witnesses,
where my children and husband (all dissociated or disassociated) were characters, a forum followed the program on which everybody could give his comments.
Lots of people, recognized the enormous strength and boldness to witness openly on their life and beliefs. (Our town is not so large).
But many others, mostly JW or friends of them, have been so insulting, mocking, slanderer and vilify, specially our children. A way of talking I’ve never supposed a JW could use. Fortunately the forum was closed, but the harm has been done.
I’ve never been like this people! I could never imagine such hate and gossip. Though, the content of the program was quite mild and even impersonal, no explicit attack to the org.
What kind of people JW are, behind a screen? Champions of hypocrisy before a door, laughing hyena behind a screen!
They were all brothers and sisters for me…I realize, I, only I and my family have been real brothers and sisters to them….
What a whole life waste of energy, time…
Regards, Claudia