I always found that one particularly laughable.
The JW's would always look for plaudits because they don't christen/baptize infants. As if they are free thinking pioneers of christianity who let their children come to their own conclusions.
No, they don't baptize their children.
- They would be happy to make a life & death medical choice for them before they are even old enough to think for themselves.
- They are happy to have their children 'fight the fine fight' on their parents behalf all the way through primary/high school. Being stigmatized as different or odd by all their peers.
- They remove just about every aspect of a normal upbringing & replace it with boredom, fear & guilt.
- Instead of 'letting the children decide for themselves' they make all the decisions when it comes to matters of entertainment, appropriate friends etc. Literally striking the fear of god into them if they choose for themselves something that is not 'approved.'
- Bombarding their minds with thoughts of how inherantly bad/evil they are if they ever feel the urge to do something as natural as masturbate.
Yea, JW parents. You got the lot.
Sure, you don't baptize your infants. You control them for nearly 2 decades until you **** them up good & proper.