Below are thoughts from the posted web site... I am interested in how those who put full faith in the scientific method would answer.
Can the existence of God be proved through scientific inquiry? Can playing the board game Monopoly prove whether Charles Darrow or Lizzie Magie invented the game? Can assembling a puzzle of the Mona Lisa prove the existence of Leonardo da Vinci? Can following a map of the Guggenheim museum prove that Frank Lloyd Wright was the architect? No. The inventor of Monopoly, the painter of the Mona Lisa, and the architect of the Guggenheim museum are outside the scope of proof of the respective game, puzzle, and map. In like manner God is outside the scope of proof, or disproof, of scientific inquiry.
If the Elijah protocol could be followed in scientific fashion every Christian would carry around a well-charred walking stick. Upon meeting an unbeliever the Christian would simply douse the walking stick with as much water as possible and then hold it in the air for God to ignite. Thus converting the unbeliever immediately.
The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this fashion because the universe does not sustain the existence of God; rather, God sustains the existence of the universe.
Although the existence of God cannot be proved through scientific inquiry, nature can reveal God’s attributes and declare God’s glory. Just as the form and function of Monopoly, the Mona Lisa, and the Guggenheim museum reveal something about their creators, so to the form and function of nature reveals things about its creator. Therefore, scientific inquiry does reveal the work of God. But knowing God goes beyond scientific inquiry. Knowing God requires faith and faith is based on the power of God rather than the wisdom of mankind (1 Corinthians 2:5).
(black highlight added )
The scientific method is a well-defined linear approach to scientific inquiry. However, there is not a single agreed upon set of steps in the scientific method, meaning that you will find some sources that list four steps in the scientific method and some that list up to seven steps. Here is an example of the steps in the scientific method (Biggs, et al., 2002).
1. Observation
2. Hypothesis forming: “A hypothesis is a testable answer to a question” (p.19).
3. Data collection
4. Publishing results
5. Theory forming: “A theory is a hypothesis that is supported by a large body of scientific evidence” (p.19).
6. New hypothesis forming
7. Theory revision's%20Omniscience%20Lesson%204.pdf
How would you answer ??