My oldest son

by mrsjones5 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Is tutoring a friend who happens to have a mother who is a jw. I've mentioned the mother here before, she knows my mother. Well, our sons have become good friends, they go back and forth between our homes to hang out and play video games.

    My son's friend (I'm gonna call him Jerry - not his real name) just got grounded for doing poorly in math and my son volunteered to help the kid out. At first my son was hesitant to help Jerry because helping him tends to disolve into conversations about girls (a subject that Jerry is very curious and uniformed about - the girls at school know this and tend to tease him about it) that he likes but can't date or anything like that. I've been trying to relate to my son how hard it is to be a kid/young man within the org and how to be a friend to Jerry (Jerry's father is not a jw so I'm thinking that's one of the reasons why my son has been able to get close to Jerry).

    My son just dropped a bomb that Jerry told him that he really doesn't believe in all the jw crap. This is news to me because of some of the comments that Jerry has made to me about world events but I do see it as a glimmer of hope for the boy. I've told my son not to make a fuss about what Jerry has said, because Jerry is only 15 and really can't do much about getting out until he's older, but just be the friend I know he can be.

  • OnTheWayOut

    ...and find Jerry a good girlfriend.

    JK, but power to your son.

  • nelly136

    should we start taking odds on how long before you end up with a lodger?

  • mrsjones5

    We don't have the space for a lodger but Jerry is welcome to come over when ever he needs to.

  • NeonMadman

    If Jerry said something JWish to you, I'd take that as less of an indicator of his true feelings than what he said to your son. People who don't believe in the organization's teachings any more but have to stay in because of family matters and such tend to keep up appearances with non-JW's. I know that's how I was.

  • Honesty

    Most JW teenagers know twisted Scriptures produce twisted doctrines.

    That is why most JW teenagers do not become JW adults.

    They escape.

  • Snoozy

    You go (not his real name)'JERRY'....

    Another one sees the light...


  • wasblind

    " We don't have the space for a lodger but Jerry is welcome to come over when ever he needs to."

    Josie, you are a sweetheart ,

    cause that poor child may need somewhere to clear his head even if it's for an hour

  • mrsjones5

    So today Jerry walks in with my son and strikes up a conversation with me before he and my son takes off to Jerry's house to study math. He starts off by saying he really doesn't want to go to the meeting tonight. I was on the computer and had to turn around and look up at the boy cuz I'm not quite believing he just said that to me and I replied "Oh?". He goes on and says it's because he really doesn't believe any of it and he's only going because he doesn't want to upset his mother. "Yeah, I can understand that", I say, then I ask if his father's involved with the jws (I was hoping maybe the father had stopped his study) and Jerry replied that his father was still studying but I got the impression that it was going rather slowly. Jerry also went on to say that his mother's parents are also jws (they live in southern California).

    What I got from this is Jerry feels that if he makes any waves now his family will be upset with him and I have to agree so I told him that my advice would be to stay on the downlow about his feelings about the "truth" because of his age. I forgot to tell him to hold off baptism as long as possible but if he continues to talk to me I'm sure I'll be able to express that point.

    It's about 6:38pm right now and my son hasn't come back from Jerry's house yet. I'm wondering if Jerry's gonna go to the meeting tonight.

  • truthseekeriam

    It's a good thing Jerry has your son and you to talk to I bet it's relief for him to know he can be open with you about how he feels. Lets be honest most kids at that age are very aware that they are being feed some BS.

    My 16 year old told me he knew it was a bunch of lies when he was 14. Now, like Jerry is's all about the girls!! (oh no)

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