WTS: creative days took aeons - WT Feb 15th, 2011

by undercover 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7
    These aren't the droids you're looking for and we've always been at war with Eurasia.

    To the first part of that, I say, "What, you think you're some kind of Jedi or something, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian! Mind tricks don'ta work on me--only money! No money, no 'truth', no deal! And no one else is going to pass out your literature, I promise you that!"

    To the second, thoughtcrime....comin' right up...

    They hang the whole understanding of creation on the notion that Genesis refers to seven creative days, then refers to the whole time period as 'the day' that God made everything. To suggest that the writer of Genesis was capable of the sort of symbolism more often found in Revelation is a bit of a stretch, but hey, let's go with it. If that's the case, if this time period is symbolic, why say "there came to be an evening and there came to be a morning"? Why have 7 creative days at all? Why divide up aeons of time in such an arbitrary way? Creation could not have been a neat process, where there was nothing, then there was something and everything just stood still until more stuff got made. It makes me think, Adam's standing in front of a Creation Corner, and a deer gets penciled in. He sits there, bored. "Deer." Next animal. "Lemur. Orangutan. Coyote. Mountain Lion... Ugh. Sooo boring. None of these animals is even hot!"

    God: "Hmm. That rib would make a smokin' hot female for him. I'll just tase him."

    Adam: "No, don't tase me, bro! Don't tase me! AAAAAH!"

  • DagothUr

    The GB is demonized! Who knows what will the next step be!? Aknowledging that mankind is older than 6000 years? If they don't behave, I'll come back on the clouds of glory, like a thief, and all of you will not know the day when I'm coming! And I'll set things straight!

    Your Big Brother, Ted Jaracz

  • sir82

    DagothUr's pretty funny post aside, he brings up an interesting idea.

    Maybe Jaracz was a hardliner for "7000 year-long creative days" and all the writing staff was too afraid to cross him.

    Now that he's gone, it's "safe" to stretch a creative day from 7000 years to an "aeon".

    Maybe Jaracz's death will prompt a flurry of new light?

  • eric356

    Well, the young earth "fundamentalist" notion that the Earth is only 6000 years old is crazy and unscientific, we believe in aeons! But remember, evolution is atheistic propaganda!

  • Fadeout


    Maybe Jaracz was a hardliner for "7000 year-long creative days" and all the writing staff was too afraid to cross him.

    Now that he's gone, it's "safe" to stretch a creative day from 7000 years to an "aeon".

    Maybe Jaracz's death will prompt a flurry of new light?

    That could be, it certainly would follow the precedent set by the death of other WT heavies. Even though the "1914 generation" was a point of ridicule years before Fred Franz died, it wasn't until he was gone that it was changed. And if I'm not mistaken, the first time that 1914 was stated in print to be the date of Jesus' return was just after Rutherford's death, in 1943. Going further back, Russell's death prompted the publication of The Finished Mystery which included new prophecies for 1918 and 1920, and was full of "new light" regarding various Biblical interpretations.

  • metatron

    I think you need to stand back and look at this.....

    First, they used the word 'aeon'. I think that is a bit different.

    Secondly, I think there is a move towards getting away from the 7,000 year thing, together with a (very tiny ) sense of embarassment about their imaginary chronology. Let's not forget that their "moral character" does NOT permit actual apology for wrongs committed.

    This should tell us just how backward and glacial they are in regard to any genuine change. If this tiny, tiny little 'change' in wording about their bogus doctrines of time is typical, then don't look for meaningful change about anything else doctrinally. Not gonna happen.


  • clarity

    W87 1/1p30 questions from readers

    "...a study of the fulfillment of bible prophecy and of our location in the stream of time strongly indicate that each of the creative days (Gen1) is 7000 years long. It is understood that Christ's reign of a thousand years will bring to a close God's 7000 year 'rest day', the last 'day' of the creative week. (Rev 20:6 Gen 2:2-3). Based on this reasoning, the entire creative week would be 49,000 years long."

    I taught this fallacy, for 45 years. I was a liar. I hope all the 'Bible Studies' who's lives were screwed up by this, and many other lies......will forgive me.

    clarity ... of the didn't have a clue class & never ever again class!! grrrrr

  • WTWizard

    Well, there goes their 1914 theory. If mankind has been around 6,000 years (which itself is a tall order for me to believe), and "an eon" is much longer than 6,000 years, it stands to reason that the end is a long time off. They don't tell us how long "an eon" is, but I reasonably believe it to be in billions of years. And, since we are only 6,000 years into the 7th "eon", it stands to reason that we have a long way to go. Even if an "eon" is "only" a million years, it would leave 9,994,000 years to go.

    Better get screeching around from door to door--no breaks, no sleep, no work, no education. You only have 9,994,000 years before Armageddon, and you might be caught with your pants down.

  • Listener

    Interestingly, there was an watchtower article in 1970 2/15 that expressed their current view way back then, it says

    Similarly Delitzsch says in his NewCommentaryonGenesis: “Days of God are intended, with Him a thousand years are but as a day when that is past, Ps. 90:4 . . . The days of creation are, according to the meaning of Holy Scripture itself, not days of four and twenty hours, but aeons . . . For this earthly and human measurement of time cannot apply to the first three days.”

    However, In that same article they concluded a creative day was 7,000 years.

  • shepherd

    Oh I remember the 7000 year creative day belief. And when the evidence against that was overwhelming the JWs would say that carbon dating was inaccurate and used by evolutionist scientists to justify their non-biblical views.....I will never really understand why I was so gullible......

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