I'm not inclined to frame things in terms of belief, shoulds and shouldn'ts - and that's exactly why information is not everything. Framing a question this way just prompts people to jump on expressing opinions in a very limited yes or no way, and this is not just being nit picky or another statement about shoulds said implicitly - these are real ways consideration of the information is limited.
If we're to look at how it works then you can't just look at the availability of information, the way it's processed has to be taken into consideration and that of course varies between individuals. You mentioned information that could put people into premature frenzies, so why don't we look at what makes people react one way or another (or react at all) but focus completely on expressing opinion about censorship? (it's not a statement about this thread in particular, it's likely to be typical on any forum) It seems to me if you're going to address this particular question then you really have to look at the psychology on some level, otherwise it's pretty much just elaborating on one of two positions.
The question becomes a matter of integration. I mean lets face it, the same information presented to one person might be world changing, and for another they just plain don't care. A lot of information IS available and would only take a little bit of googling to find, but lots of people would not know about it simply because they are not interested - but like children people are often easily distracted by the next -
So what exactly are you implying, Mark? I get what you're saying as far as those who are willfully ignorant. Short of grabbing them by the shoulders and yelling at them while looking at them eye to eye, they'll never be proactive in obtaining information or receptive to any information out there. However, I kind of pick up on another thought behind your post that you purposely didn't include. I don't mean that in a hostile sense either. However, I may be looking too far into what you posted, but I'm under the impression that you don't believe some information should be available, and not simply because people don't care, but also because you feel they may or may not be ready for whats presented to them. Do you believe that in some cases, the negatives of them being presented with some information such as their reaction to it, far outweigh the principle of availability of information?