Benedict is kind of a dick, he is a bit out of touch with the reality of The Church and is not as charismatic as JP2, a bad combination.
I think that towards the end JP knew that the Gospel is far more important that "organization doctrine" and he tried to bring it to more people of ALL faiths and tried to embody what a Pope should embody and that is "trying to be like Christ".
A Pope should be humble, loving, compassionate and tolerante, A Pope should lead by example and personify the teachings of Christ.
A Pope should reconcile the faiths, shoudl reach out for the lost sheep, should embody love and should openly embrace even the enemies of the Church.
A Pope should NOT rule but SERVE, a Pope should chnage what MUST be changed and change it for the better.
A Pope should fix the problems and NOT try to sweep them under the rug and a Pope should remind all clergy that they are subject to the LAW of Man and that zero tolerance is the only way to deal with THE ISSUES that we all know have been plaguing the Church.
Christianity is about forgivness but it is NOT about letting crimes go unpunished or about sick people not getting the help they need and it is certianly NOT about exposing children to dangerous people.