by mouthy 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mouthy

    If you can get the above I love it.I am not clever enough to put it on in blue

  • poppers
  • mouthy

    Oh Thanks you poppers I knew one of you would help me...

    I though it was extra special. Of course I LOVE little ones

    Thanks again. I thought no one reads my posts. But you did

  • poppers

    I sent you a PM, granny. right back at you .

  • Chalam

    Awesome, thanks for posting Grace :)

    Matthew 18:3 (New International Version)

    3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.



  • mouthy

    I dont know how to get the PM Popper. Unless it is to the Kitzi e.mail

  • clarity

    Thank you Mouthy...

    What a lovely surprise on this otherwise yukky morning!

    Truly, out of the mouths of babes. A beautiful little soul !


  • poppers

    I dont know how to get the PM Popper.

    Click on the envelope in the upper right corner by your name, then click on the message. You'll get an error message the first time you do this, so you have to click back a page, and then try it again. Keep doing that until the message comes through - for me I only have to do this once.

  • mouthy

    POPPERS!!! STUPID "aint" the word for me

    I have slews on it DAH!!!! I should ruddy well sue the watchtower
    They took my brain screwed it up & gave me it back all wrinkled
    Thank you for helping me get them all .There was such WONDERFUL thing sent to me
    messages of great Love I feel very humbled Thank YOU ALL .I feel truly blessed by having you all

    to each & every one of you

  • poppers

    Thank you for helping me get them all .There was such WONDERFUL thing sent to me
    messages of great Love I feel very humbled Thank YOU ALL .I feel truly blessed by having you all

    I knew you must have had a lot of unread PMs, I'm so glad to be able to help you get to them. ((((((Hugs to my granny!))))))

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