This is going to be a short essay on a point I have been thinking about for a while now.
Jesus explicitly stated in the Gospels NOT to judge. I think this a grossly overlooked statement from Jesus from the Witnesses and a lot of Christian denominations.
Judging could be defined as figuring out what's right or wrong for another person. It's a pretty simple concept really, and Jesus warned against it.
Organized Religion BY DEFINITION creates doctrine and policy, some enforce them more than others (like the Witnesses).
To create (or interpret) doctrine and initialize policy IS TO JUDGE OTHERS. By creating what is "Right" you are also creating what is "Wrong."
By defining what is Wrong is judging IF the definition transcends individuality.
Reading the Bible and using it as a guide is NOT judging as long as you read it for yourself. It's one thing to share what you have learned with others, which is NOT judging by itself.
But the SECOND you create an Organization around your ideas and enforce them you are JUDGING in the most grandest way, and therefore are REJECTING the teachings of Jesus.
The Witnesses have a plethora of information and Bible commentary of how the Bible teaches that God REQUIRES an Organization, when in the end when it REJECTS Jesus' CORE teachings.
Therefore it is my guess that ALL Organized Religion rejects Jesus.