My husband was a window washer when I married him, barely worked so he could spend all of his time being an elder and pioneer. He told me Jehovah provided everything he needed so he did not need to work much. I totally believed him I was so young and stupid.
I thought I just lacked faith and was always told from the meetings that you just need to jump into full time service and let Jehovah pick up the pieces.
Boy was I in for a rude awaking. I was yelled at cussed out told I was stupid and an idiot, by elders wives and the other pioneer sisters who did not work but had husbands supporting them for my husband and I not having more money then we did. Yet I was working 30 plus hours a week, something they were not doing.
So much for Jehovah providing, I never saw a dime from him. My husband would not believe me when I told him how horrible the sisters were speaking to me, he said it just could not be true as the sisters were so nice to him, that I had to be making it all up in my head.
I think you should get that window washer a really nice Christmas gift and see if he will take it. He just might take it as he might be so low on money and if he says no and that he can't because of his religion, tell him maybe his God Jehovah is providing for him through the gift.