Was there a 1974 Franz speech and subsequent coverup?

by Nickolas 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    So here we are in 2010. Carrying the Adam/Eve issue that bit further, he would be at least 35, perfect and wondering when he gets to use his appendage betweent his legs...When I was in the mental pictures conjured made sure I never bought into the Adam/Eve timeline.

  • Terry

    How many persons here are aware that the whole END OF 6,000 YEARS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE had already been used previously (by the Watchtower Society) with equally null outcome before being dusted off and re-applied to 1975??

  • pirata
    @Leolaia: I have talks from Freddy from 1971 and 1972 but not 1974.

    Would it be possible to post links or upload these? I would be eternally grateful :)

    How many persons here are aware that the whole END OF 6,000 YEARS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE had already been used previously (by the Watchtower Society) with equally null outcome before being dusted off and re-applied to 1975??

    Are you referring to 1925? From what I recall, 1925 was calculated as the end of some jubilee cycles, then 1975 came into fruition when they realized that they something in the book of Judges(?) justified adding another 50 years.

  • Nickolas

    The empty outcome of the non-event of 1975 went unpunished by the Press who missed a golden opportunity to hold the Watchtower's feet to the fire!

    It could be the golden opportunity remains, if someone took it upon himself to do a documentary exposé. To repeat myself, technology has changed a great deal since the mid 70's. The internet didn't exist. Whatever it is you and I say on this board, whatever is recorded and becomes part of the public domain, should be considered to be a permanent record, because it will never go away. Back in the 70's there was great potential to cover up information because it was not widely dispersed, but getting caught at it was devastating. Remember the Watergate scandal? It wasn't the fact that a handful of goons broke into the Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate hotel that brought down the president of the United States but the fact that Nixon tried to cover it up. It destroyed him because the act of coverup is itself damning evidence of complicity in wrongdoing. I have read several posts on this board over the past month-and-a-half from people who remember that things were being said about the End Times by the powers that be that were not being committed to print. So, back to my initial question (thank you GMJ) were there recordings of incriminating speeches that no longer exist? Did the WTBTS hierarchy try to cover up 1975?


    Did the WTBTS hierarchy try to cover up 1975?...


    They said it never happened..

    You don`t have to cover up something..That never happened..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • hamsterbait

    Terry is right -

    Russell chose to understand the contradiction in how many years there were Judges, to show that 6 000 years ended in 1874.

    It was in the book "God's Eternal Purpose now triumphing for Mans Good" that this problem was addressed, and the contradiction "resolved" so that the 100 year discrepancy ends in 1975.

    Let's just forget the a-scientific claim that a continuous layer of water vapor revolved around the netire globe at a "scientifically accurate height" (of course no witless would ever admit to drawing any conclusions from this)


  • bennyk

    I believe Russell stated that the 6 000 years since Adam's creation ended in 1872... and the Millennium began in 1873...

    The problem of the 100 year discrepancy was first addressed in 1943 in the book The Truth Shall Make You Free.

  • Pahpa

    The Society always left a "plausible denialibilty" clause for its predictions. And

    it always seemed to blame the members for reading into them more than was

    intended. But for us who went through this period of time, we remember

    well the urgency and emphasis of the message from the Watchtower. Much

    of it came through the COs and DOs at assemblies. I remember one talk at

    an assembly where the Watchtower representative said we were no longer

    talking about years or months but should be counting the days and hours.

    Another announced that we were like the ancient Israelite army marching

    around Jericho on the last day just before the trumpets sounded and the

    walls fell. We all figured this was the official view of the Watchtower leaders.

    Many of us were shocked when it denied responsiblilty of the 1975 forecast.


  • pirata
    Are you referring to 1925? From what I recall, 1925 was calculated as the end of some jubilee cycles, then 1975 came into fruition when they realized that they something in the book of Judges(?) justified adding another 50 years.

    I think I may have mixed up my end times here. Ignore the 1925 reference. That was purely based on Jubilee cycles, on the number of years of man's existence... I think...

  • designs

    Like some savant acentrics Fred could easily bound between two opposing views coursing through his mind...

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