Page Number Questions

by jamiebowers 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    Is anyone or everyone else missing page numbers under Friends, Personal Experiences, etc. or is it just me? Is there anyway to go back and read previous pages? I have to wait two to four hours at a time to go back into the CCU to see my husband, so I have plenty of time to catch up on my JWN reading.

    My dear husband is doing well. The breathing tube was removed today. He's awake and alert, but tired. As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I am so grateful that he's alive and well. For the first time in years I won't be making the dinner. But I'm just as happy to sit beside his hospital bed and eat ice chips, LOL! My girlfriend is bringing me a plate tomorrow during my wait in the waiting room, and then we'll go back to his room and visit for a while.

    Have a very happy Thanksgviing. Hug your significant other, your kids, your pets, whoever you have tonight.

  • Snoozy

    Hi Jamie, I am glad he got that tube out. My dad had one and wanted it out but they wouldn't do it. He was unconscious when they put it in.

    Well he waited for them to leave the room and then he pulled it out himself!!

    Once it was out they needed his permission to put it back in..there was no way he would allow that...

    Nothing like a crisis to make you realize how lucky you are to have loved ones in your glad he is doing better..

    Do they say how long he will have to be in?

    Big hugs to you and your family..


    ps..thanks for the updates.

  • Snoozy

    I just checked and I don't have any pages missing..I only went back a few though. I had a problem loggin on and gave up. I finally tried again and it worked. I wasn't even getting th esign on screen. I saw Simon did some maintenance and thought something got screwed up but I guess it is fixed now. Maybe something screwed up in your computer from that?

    I would give it a few days and see what happens.


  • fokyc
    Is anyone or everyone else missing page numbers under Friends, Personal Experiences, etc. or is it just me?

    I have page numbers top and bottom, perhaps it is the ads Google insert in your area, they sometimes obscure some of the page.

    Hope your husband is continuing to improve, enjoy your plate tomorrow.

  • sabastious
    My dear husband is doing well. The breathing tube was removed today.


  • mrsjones5

    I'm so glad your husband is doing better.

  • Snoozy

    I was thinking that sometimes if you aren't signed on you can't read certain posts.

    Are you logged on when you looked or did you just log on to post?


  • four candles
    four candles

    I don't see the page numbers. I have to refresh the page every time to see them.

    Jamie,glad hubby is doing well.

  • jamiebowers

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes. He's off all machines except the heart monitor. Tomorrow is the catherization to check for blockages. If that goes well, he should be home soon.

    I have to refresh the page every time to see them.

    Thanks! It works for me too.

  • Bangalore

    Glad to know he is doing well.


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