Is anyone or everyone else missing page numbers under Friends, Personal Experiences, etc. or is it just me? Is there anyway to go back and read previous pages? I have to wait two to four hours at a time to go back into the CCU to see my husband, so I have plenty of time to catch up on my JWN reading.
My dear husband is doing well. The breathing tube was removed today. He's awake and alert, but tired. As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I am so grateful that he's alive and well. For the first time in years I won't be making the dinner. But I'm just as happy to sit beside his hospital bed and eat ice chips, LOL! My girlfriend is bringing me a plate tomorrow during my wait in the waiting room, and then we'll go back to his room and visit for a while.
Have a very happy Thanksgviing. Hug your significant other, your kids, your pets, whoever you have tonight.