Quotes by Voltaire - Do you agree and Why?

by Lady Lee 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • factfinder

    thank you for sharing these quotes LadyLee and for all the interesting comments everyone.

  • wasblind

    Wasblind said " I've also learned that book sense doesn't always mean one has common sense"

    Caedes said: " Looking down on someone simply because they have a better education than you is pathetic."

    Maybe I should make myself clear, Just because one is intellectual, does not guarantee social skills, nor does it prevent one from being a jerk

    It's to bad you choose to overlook : "Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

    And my reply was "their are quite a few posters here who are so articulate and well learned, I enjoy readin' their post"

    So it seems you are the PATHETIC one if you chose to not to read the entire post.

  • Caedes

    Lady Lee & Wasblind,

    The social skills of intellectuals (or lack thereof) wasn't something I commented on, in fact there is nothing in what I wrote that should lead one to think I was making any claim about any kind of superiority for someone with a better education. The quality of one's education doesn't have any bearing on one's social skills in any way.

    I merely commented on what a patronising phrase "book sense" is. So are you saying that poor social skills in others is a good excuse for being patronising yourself?

    Don't forget "book sense" is the reason you don't live in a mud hut poking a fire with a stick.

  • wasblind

    Lady Lee & Wasblind,

    " The social skills of intellectuals (or lack thereof) wasn't something I commented on, in fact there is nothing in what I wrote that should lead one to think I was making any claim about any kind of superiority for someone with a better education. The quality of one's education doesn't have any bearing on one's social skills in any way."

    That's exactly the point we are conveying In our previous post, being well educated doesn't gaurantee a person from being a jerk or lacking in anything else

    That is not patronizing, that is making a fact based statement, It's evident in your last post that you agree with us, so why are you still being argumentive ?


    Caedes wasblind

    Why don't you two kiss and make up - it would be an education for you both.

  • Caedes

    Well since we are agreeing, would you agree that you could be thick as two short planks and still have no common sense or social skills?

    I'm still arguing because your common sense isn't telling you that book sense or book learning are completely patronising phrases.

  • tec

    'You have book smarts, but no street smarts.'

    My husband used to say this to me when we were first married. We were both young, and it was completely true. I don't know why its patronizing. The no 'street smarts' was irritating (albeit true), but the 'book smarts' never bothered me.


  • DocBob

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."

  • wasblind

    Caedes said : " Well since we are agreeing,"

    Just because I said that you were in agreement with us according to your statement

    doesn't , mean or guarantee that I'll agree with you on anything

  • PSacramento

    Knowledge can be very dangerous in the hands of certian people.

    Paul was right that knowledge doe stend to "puff up".

    As my wife likes to point out at times, I can be quite an ass when it comes to things I have lots of knowledge about ( Like Martial arts for example).

    She is right, my desire to make others understand what I think is right based on my superiour knowledge of the subject makes me out to be an ass because I don't see how pretencious and "know it all" that I come off as.

    I get "puffed up" and people get "put out", so I have learned to be more social AND to answer when asked as opposed to volunteering my opinion so that all my bask in the radiance of my knowledge ( her words).

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