Secret Santa wish list :)

by tec 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Okay, so this is the thread where everyone who has signed up for Secret Santa can tell the rest of us what you like. Colors, hobbies, trinkets, etc :) Keep in mind that the limit is 15.00, or 10 pounds.

    Have fun,


  • tec

    Okay, I'll start this off.

    I love books. I would like it if someone sent me a book, in any genre - perhaps even a book that might be YOUR favorite book, or at least by your favorite author. I like to be surprised. (a little hi there in the front cover would be cool, too)

    However, if you are international (not the States, because I'm close to you already), I would love something from your country. A scarf with your colors, or a toque, something like that.


  • miseryloveselders

    I'd like Nas to release Lost Tapes II before the end of the year. I know its not going to happen, but Tammy you'll do what you can right?

    I didn't sign up for a Secret Santa wish list, but I hope everybody gets what they wish for.

    G'night Tammy.

  • tec

    Sure... um... but maybe if I knew who Nas was?

    Night, MLE :)


  • AGuest

    I would LOVE to send you a book, dear tec (peace to you!). PM/email me your address and I'll do it next week; however, I do not wish anything in return, truly. No, seriously. I have so much "stuff" already (including 15 bookshelves of books, sooo...), I simply cannot take another thing into this house. Actually contemplating carting the lot of it out next spring. So, just... ummmmm... "pay it forward." Send/give my "gift" to someone else. If you were going to spend money, just give it to next person who asks you. For me.

    Peace to you and may JAH bless!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • tec

    bumping :)

  • tec

    bump for Gary who was looking for this...

  • tec


  • ele_lux

    OOoo well, I love books as well, especially novels. And if they're used, all the better :)

    I'm also crazy about plastic oversized rings and anything one can write on or with.

    Favorite colors are lime-green and red :)

  • blondie

    Piers Anthony, the newest in paperback Xanth, "Jumper Cable"


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