Start preparing now for 2011 memorial night demonstration ! Sunday, April 17, 2011, after sundown

by koolaid-man 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    I don't see what is so bad about standing outside peacefully with a poster. The good thing about doing it at the memorial is that there will be so many inactive JWs, "worldly" family trying to make an effort, and bible studies there too. The memorial is very guilt inducing for inactive JWs. As an inactive person I felt guilty, that I was basically squandering Christs' sacrifice by not living up to my dedication. Maybe if I had seen a poster at the memorial I would have gotten out sooner. When you have doubts, concerns, and questions it helps to know that others have them too, and where to go for help. Alot of JWs may not think to research on the internet out of the blue, may be too afraid.

    In terms of whether it is appropriate to demonstrate on their most holy of nights, they should be able to handle that. This is the same religion where folks would wear giant placards, play phonographs at doors, knock on doors on other people's "holy days" Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, etc. without any regard for their feelings. Let's also not forget about street witnessing, bus stop witnessing, workplace witnessing, incidental witnessing, telephone witnessing, witnessing through the mail, cemetary witnessing (totally despicable), business territory, and I'm sure I've left something out. Shamefully I must admit that I've done most of those things. The point I'm trying to make is these are people who are pretty cool with using shall we say, unorthodox methods to get their message out.

    We all participated to some degree in using unorthodox methods to "teach people the good news" when we thought we were doing the right thing. What's wrong with using the same methods to help get our brothers out?

  • serenitynow!

    I think I might hold a sign about why "independent thinking" is bad, and questioning the GB is bad. Also signs of a cult.

    I have also thought about going into the memorial and downing the entire glass of wine; not that I even believe in heaven, but it's free wine!

  • moshe

    If others want to picket, they are free to do so. Some might decide it is a very effective, tool, to derail JW studies and the weak JWs- to each his own. It just wasn't for me.

  • 3Mozzies
    I have also thought about going into the memorial and downing the entire glass of wine...

    Hahaha that would priceless, they would then be forced to pass around a class with no wine!

    Good one serenitynow!



    Demonstrating at what is their most holy of nights is inappropriate.

    And it only enforces their persecution complex.

    The best "demonstration" is by living a happy and productive life away from the JWs.

    Perhaps it is inappropriate, but it will shock them. The purpose of protests, from the way I understand them, is not for those who are being protested, but to inform the public of something that is wrong.

    The JWs have the Memorial at a large theater in Glendale, CA. The theater is on Glendale's main street, and would be a great place to picket as they have two or three Memorial's at the location during the night.

    The best part is that there are a number of nice bars and restaurants to gather afterwards and get to know each other afterwards.

  • agonus

    I think the best and most effective way to protest the joke of a "holiday" the Memorial has become is to attend and partake of the emblems.

  • serenitynow!

    agonus, I've been wondering where you were!

  • Yizuman
    Inappropriate waste of time...only feeds their persecution complex. It was wrong when JWs did it, and it is wrong to do it to them.
    I did a demonstration at the Memorial-- my old KH-- after I left. It did have a great shock affect- many of the studies were stumbled by the commotion, the elders sicked the police on me, to no avail. Did I do that trick again? No I did not. It felt like picketing a funeral home. We have the Internet now- much more effective. I would not be opposed to putting up a large unmanned protest sign visible on the street leading to the KH.

    Pickening had been very effective back in my days before the popularity of the Internet.

    Usually I avoid signs that sounds very accusation, but rather signs that poses questions that causes a JW to consider them, it's hard to shake a question once it enters the mind of the JW. I used to picket every Sunday morning for 30 mins prior to going to my church which starts at 10:30 AM, so it gives me plenty of time to plant seeds in their minds.

    I also had a 24 hr pre-recording message sign and I get lots of calls every week during the middle of the night when their families are in bed. I even posted an ad on the local newspaper.

    Now that the Internet is available, it has become a very valuable tool and reaches alot more people than a simple pickening.

    One thing I do miss is the interaction with JWs when some approaches me inquiring my signs, I like the personal interaction with them than from behind a keyboard, that's just me.


  • agonus

    Howdy Serenity!

    Never left, just haven't been as post-happy as of late.

    How's your sweet lil' self?

  • TheListener

    Exwitnesses used to picket DCs I attended. I was always instructed not to look at them or their placards. I obeyed - I was certain Jehovah was proud of me for remaining clean.

    How fooled I was.

    You gotta have guts to picket. I don't have those kind of guts. I would much rather pay for an ad in the pennysaver or craigslist (free) that says something like:

    "Had contact with Jehovah's Witnesses? Go to" - once permission to link to that site for an ad was obtained.

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