One of the most fascinating aspects of the JW religion is the profound fear of demons (evil spirits) it engenders in its members. I just wondered whether it's something that is used by the leadership as a means of control, or whether it's simply a concept that grew legs and took off on its own? First, I believe in evil spirits. I believe the spirits of some people fail to move on for various reasons. Many near death accounts indicate that the wicked many times fail to move on because of fear and an inability to leave the things they held most dear in life. In some accounts they try to grasp lit cigarettes or glasses of beer, but are unable to. At that stage they simply exist in a state of damnation. Second, I don't believe that people (especially little children) get lost or remain under the influence of evil men who tormented or abused them in life. (I'm always amazed at psychics who claim to free children from their earthly abusers who somehow continued to exert influence over them after death. After performing the most bizarre rituals (sometime for hours) in strange languages, or most often Latin, and using holy water and the crucifix, they finally "free" these children who then rush towards the light into the loving arms of Jesus, or some saint. Catholicism has many such stories, but I'm wondering about those in the Jehovah's Witness faith. Some in my own faith include stories of hitchhikers. They appear on the road at night, and someone picks them up (yeah, right!) and after awhile of saying nothing, the hitchhiker says something like, "Do you believe in the Second Coming of Christ?" "Yes," the driver says, very curious. "Well it's near. Very near." And the guy looks over and no one's there. (Okay, it's not exactly an "evil spirit" story, but you get the point.) I take it there are a lot of stories about things bought at garage sales. Ex-JW said some pretty bizarre things, like: "During Assemblies, Brothers often told stories about demons attacking Witnesses who left the Organization, as they were then outside the realm of Jehovah’s protection. Demons were said to cause them to go crazy...." She also said: "Telling demon stories was a favorite past-time at Witnesses’ social gatherings. One Sister exclaimed a demon once grabbed her while she was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and had spun her around in circles. Another said that the beautiful sofa her sister gave her was demonized, as everyone who sat on it developed an impulsive urge to kill someone." Since I never attended such meetings, I don't know. I also know that sometimes people who leave churches can become so embittered that they sometimes stretch the truth. So I'm asking you guys whether this is true. If you have stories, tell them here. True or not so....
Favorite Demon Stories
by Cold Steel 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I know back in the early eighties we'd hear some spooky JW stories, but in the nineties they started discouraging talking about it. Interesting thing I've noticed is that you rarely hear any demon experiences anymore. Anyone else notice this?
Yes, I also noticed demons aren't talked about as much. Of course,they still blame all their temptations,discouragement,and just about everything bad on Satan.
There still are a few that believe everything is demonized.
Demon stories......
oh this could be an interesting thread lol. Im sure 3/4 if not all JWs have some kind of demon story. Im sure everyone heard the story about the demon who raped the sister? Sister who, KNOW ONE KNOWS HER ACTUAL NAME, it's just a sister. i heard that story tons over the years through the different congregations we were in...(we moved a lot). I think it's funny because everyone who leaves the truth are apostates, and demonized. I remember going to my moms for a visit a couple years ago, and she asked if I had anything wierd in my suit case because she had a bad dream two nights in a row.....hence, I brought SOMETHING demonized with me, cause i dont go to meetings, satan has me. LOL
anyways, i do have a couple real stories, but I'll wait to see if anyone else posts lol....
I always heard a story about a family in the congregation that tried to burn all their 1980's metal tapes and memorabilia, but that the tapes would jump out of the fire. I think there may have been some noises involved with the burning also.
There's also some other crazy lady who blames everything on spirits. Lose a job, evil spirits. Kids get DFed, evil spirits.
Basically, a freak show.
I remember a couple that claimed to have a poltergeist living in their former apartment. They would come home and find their fridge in the living room, among other things. I don't put too much stock in that story- they were really strange people that should have been on medication.
I bought a wooden carving of an animal while interstate on a trip. The shop sold hand made things from Africa.
It was a gift for a JW friend of mine. When I got home I forgot to give her the gift strait away, I had it for about 2 weeks before I gave it to her.
She was happy with the gift as it was of her favourite animal. After a few weeks she apologized to me for destroying and throwing the gift away. I asked why, she explain that ever since she received it, she didn't feel right and things weren't going smoothly for her, once she got rid of it, her life returned to normal. She said it must of been demonized.
What the hell?!?!? I had it for about 2 weeks with no ill effect.
An older sister in my KH told me the story of trying to burn her 'old religious icons' when she first learnt the truth and that they wouldn't burn. The demons wouldn't let them, they eventually burnt after many prays to the Watchtower god Jeeboobah.
AAAhhhhhh demons everywhere!!!
moz .. you seem to have an infestation of fire elementals ...
just saying ...